Can I post .pdf files to a topic?

I don’t see a way to simply attach a .pdf file to a topic in the forum. Am I missing something?

No you are not missing anything. Just make a web site and put the PDF link in it. I have posted a PDF here once in a while that I found at a web site.


Sure are! you missed downloading a copy of the LION’S 242nd Street Train Register.

Actually, I have to build two more train sets for my layout before I can run this full schedule. Since it runs on a real-time clock (yawn) I don’t think I can stay awake that long!

Anyway, there is the .pdf It is located on the LION’S own server, but any place that you can post a file will work. It cannot be posted within a post as if it were a picture. To do that you would have to make it into a .jpg .gif or .png file.

To make the LINK that like I made above, highlight the test that you want to have people click on, and then the link icon on the tool bar above will be displayed, It will have several lines in it, but the top line will have the text that you selected, replace that with the URL and you are done.


Ok, so all I have to do to post .pdf files is create a web site for myself. Gee, that sounds easy. [%-)]

I guess my best bet is to try to convert the .pdf files into .jpg files or something that can be uploaded easily.

I’ll have to look more, so far I haven’t found a free converter.

You still have to have a host somewhere where you can upload the files and link to them. You cannot upload pictures to this form. You can only link to them.

Check out Google Picasa and other such places for hosting files.


Sometimes I have been to convert a pdf file into a plain text/ word file, sometimes I can’t. I don’t know why it works sometimes and not others.

But if I can convert a pdf file into a word document, I can copy and paste it here.

May not be what you wanted to hear…

Instead of creating a website, would storing the file on one of those “cloud” storage sites work??? Then just post a link to that location, as long as it is set up as public access.

sometimes a .pdf file contains text sometimes it only contains pictures that look like text. You would need an OCR program or at least a better .pdf program.

Cloud Storage is not the same as cloud hosting. You will not be able to make a link to a cloud storage site, but only to a cloud hosting site that allows anonymous file downloads. There are hundreds of such free sites out there.


I can’t believe how difficult this seems to be. My first problem was that all my track plans are .dwg files created in AutoCad. I couldn’t upload those because nothing recognizes that format. So, I finally found a way to convert them to .pdf files, which I get in emails all the time and figured would be a good common format. But, now I can’t upload those either! Google Docs doesn’t upload .pdf files. I think the only solution is to somehow get them into .jpg format and host them on a photo site. The last time I had this problem, I took the somewhat low-tech solution of actually taking a photo of my computer screen. Hey, it got the AutoCad drawing into a .jpg! I may just resort to that again. Thanks for the suggestions.

Its not all that hard…

Here, Try This.

It is the first of many I found using Google. WARNING: Its terms of service stipulate that they will harvest your email address to send you spam. You should use a disposable email address. (LIONS need not worry, their network protection is first class, and costs that much too!.) On the Internet: If it’s free, you are the product, not the customer.


That particular site didn’t work for me, but your suggestion did get me searching the web more and I found a free converter that did work. It is, and it worked pretty easily for me. The quality of the image has suffered a bit in the conversion, but at least I do have it as a .jpg now. I’ll try it and see how it goes.

Thanks for the help.