would you add new, or update the How to Post a Photo to the Forums with instructions for creating clickable links. I needed them recently but couldn’t find them.
Unfortunately, the current forum software will NOT allow you to do that for threads within the MR forums. The only option is to use the bracketed url codes on either end of the URL link. Until Kalmbach updates for software there’s no away around it.
Yes, the URL links work. The specific issue that Greg is interested in is being able to create any title and link a URL to it - like the ones I’ve listed above. They don’t work using the current forum software. They used to in previous versions but not this one. The feature does work, however, for any links outside of the Kalmbach forums.
Yes, your link works. Did you see my earlier attempt to link “titles” rather than URLs? That is what does NOT work properly and what the OP wanted a sticky about.
To use this threads title as an example:
can instructions for “posting clickable links” be added to a sticky?
I understand what Gregc would like to do…but He has to get with Steve O with a PM to ask if He would add it to the How to Post Photos on the Forums sticky that Steve O created, instead of where it is on the Community Assistance site. Steve O would have to do that on His original sticky thread that He created. Basically move it from where it is…Just the instructions.
When I link a outside link on the Forums, I never use the link icon, just copy, paste, press enter. To link a forum past thread from the forums, that is when I use the link icon. Seems to always work for Me.