I got this off ebay. it was just barely staying together despite the glue blobs. Definetly an older kit (or scratch build) as it is wood. Could be a scr4atch build. The bulkheads are plastic and wood.
Its current condition. the frame is in good shape. but one bulkhead shows it is no original . the other one is off center. and as it sits, the trucks have no room to rotate at all.
Might be ab;e to save it by putting blocks on the bolsters to raise them a little and removing the offending frame section that blocks the trucks from rotating. means new coupler pockets. too. removing a lower flange on the frame for a short distance. remove and rebuild the bulkheads and add details like grab irons and such. have to see. still studyting it.
The challange of saving these basket cases is fun. or salvage for parts.
Other than the trucks and couplers, there’s not much there to salvage.
On the other hand, you could add some underbody detail (brake gear and rigging), fix or re-locate the trucks so that they function properly, and maybe add some grabirons, stake pockets, and also ladders for the end bulkheads.
Don’t forget to add a brake wheel and housing on the “B”-end, along with some piping and a connection to the brake fulcrum.
After that, you could re-paint it, then add some lettering, followed by a little weathering.
Here’s some brake gear that I added to a scratchbuilt boxcar…
…and some details added to an Intermountain X-29 boxcar…
Pretty-well all of the detail parts you’d need could be found in this LINK to Tichy’s Parts Catalog.
I did find a brake rigging piece from another kit. Possibly branch line. It fit nice. Once the bulkheads more or broke of. With almost no hint of damage. The resulting flatcar is salvagable. And very well built. Once the trucks were sorted so they rotatae and the draft gear reinstalled lower. Looks like this will be an x car. Or mow Sanding helped a lot. Have to find a brake wheel. And decide on which bulkhead ends to install