Can you help identify this train?

Thanks for your help and time,


It’s a 2-truck Shay. But your question is too vague to know what more identity you need. Manufacturer? Whether brass or plastic? Do you actually own it, or just looking?

Looks like HO scale Bachmann - 80 ton 3-truck Shay

duplicate post

Well, it’s a three truck Shay. It’s not the Bachmann. It looks to be brass. It’s very close to the old PFM/United one, but it just doesn’t seem an EXACT match. It appears the through-passageway at the cab is blocked by a piece of sheet metal. I presume the motor is behind it.

It also looks like someone decided to strip some parts off it to modify it. In particular, I don’t see the exhaust steam line from the cylinders to the smokebox.

Bigger better photos would help.

Also, you might look on the underside. Brass locomotives frequently have little nameplates on the bottom–that might help.

If you’re thinking this will sponsor your retirement, it won’t. But it could be fun to play with.






There’s a reason it’s not an exact match to a United Shay. 'Cause it’s NOT. I enlarged the side shot and noticed a central drive shaft. Definitely not brass. And then there’s little things like the location of the check valve and the layout of the engine-frame.

Anyway, it’s an MDC-Roundhouse 3-truck Shay. Here’s the two truck:


It’s definitely Model Die Casting. I don’t remember the vintage. I think an aftermarket regear set was available for it at one time. Maybe still?



You are correct, I was wrong. I overlaid a picture of one of my three truck MDC Shays with the second picture of Joe’s and they are an exact match. The cab roof line is slightly different with the earlier (late 60s) pot metal cab, it’s a match for a late 80s plastic cab.


Really? You’re telling me that someone started with an MDC plastic and


pot metal Shay to create this? Great job of painting plastic to look like brass. They even thought to add little bits of excess solder around some joints. And the old United/PFM box it’s resting on is a nice touch, too.

Looks like the MDC Roundhouse Shay to me, also. NWSL was the supplier of the re-gear kit which may still be available.

They are talking about the Original Poster, not your picture. Yours is clearly brass.