Canada Southern Railway

Hey Everyone

Im wondering if there is anyone with Canada Southern equipment on their layout? I don’t think there is many of us out there. I have been looking for some? Can anyone help me?



Never ever heard of CSR, and I’m sure many others haven’t either, that could be why there are not too many modeling it, never saw a boxcar( and I’m going back a lot of years looking for odd names) so I looked up CSR and found a site, a very good site too ! Just where would you get equipment to model this railway?? Interesting to find out new(to me) stuff on railroading. Good luck on finding fellow CSR members, let us know how you make out.

A Google search revealed that the Canada Southern was a division of the New York Central. There is even a web site devoted to it at

Only one car, but I remember seeing, as a child, a prototype of one of these cars.

The car is a reworked Train Miniature ARA boxcar. I replaced the cast-on steps and grabirons with metal parts, and modified the side-sills and roofwalk. The ends, reverse dreadnaught type, were made by forming heavy aluminum foil over a suitable Tichy end, then gluing the reversed copies in place. I used Mylar foil tape to simulate the repairs to the lower sidesheets, where these cars were prone to rust out. I don’t recall who made the combination leaf/coil spring trucks. The paint is Floquil, with lettering by C-D-S.
