Well, that was unexpected, as all derailments are. Here’s the scoop on what happened.
A run of the mill switching derailment. Probably 10 a day somewhere in North America.
Harrison - I don’t know what you are doing to get the ‘preview’ of the YouTube to display on the forum. The Forums dedicated software for this is broken and no longer works as it once did.
Interesting video.
None of the methods that I could think of to get the YouTube preview to show up here succeeded. So now I’m curious what the trick is to make it work, too.
Bless his heart Harrison’s a youngster, he’s probably forgotten more about computers, IT, and related technology than geezers like us will EVER know! [:'(]
This was the first CP/D&H derailment in the area since 2007 (that I can find).
To embed a video I click on the Insert/edit video option above where you write your post, click the “embed” tab, and paste the embed code from YouTube.
What Harrison said. You can get the code by right clicking the video. A menu comes up with the option to copy the embed code. Use the embed function on the forum.