Hi, I’m trying to find photos or a scale drawing of this loco class to help my latest project which is to scale detail a Triang Transcontinental pacific (sold also as the “Hiawatha”). I’m hoping that the model will prove close enough to make the detailing worthwhile, from the rather poor photo I already have it looks promising. Any thoughts or comments?
If you can get hold of Omer Lavallée’s “Canadian Pacific Steam Locomotives” it has profile drawings of each loco class and photos, although I’m not sure about the G3d specifically, since I borrowed the book via inter library loan.
Greg McDonnell’s “Canadian Pacific” has a photo of a G3G (2380) on page 143. “Nicholas Morant’s Canadian Pacific” has a photo of a G3b (2308) on page 70.
You could also try joining and posting a message on www.railroadforums.com .