Canadian Pacific meets Arthur Stillwells Railroad and becomes CPKC

s most reader’s here, are aware, The KCS is now part of the much larger system; now officially , Canadian Pacific Kansas City RR. It’s histories combining, to make possibly, afirstn Transcontinental to link four compas points(?) on one Continent.

Migth be said now that[; Canadian Bacon, meets Boudin, Bar- B-Que, while finishing its meal with Mexican Tequilla… What a way to run a railroad.

How close is it to being a longer north-south railroad than an east-west one?

The line as was originally, laid out, and constructed; pre-1900 was, at 789 mi.

Post 1900, and later opnb in the 20th Century; additions were made by aclquiruining the Louisiana and Arkansas RR, The Shreveport to Dallas line. Then in conjunction with NS came the Meridian Speedway , and thgen the Mid-South RR; giving itnaccess acros Mississipopoi and into the area of Middle Tennessee. After that The connection acrosssouthern Texas to access its ‘Mexician franchise’.

Therecent additions seemnto add up to a trackage of a possible in excessn of 3000 miles(?).

For approx 50 years,KCS operated passenger service between Kansas City and NOLA; Its’ namedktrain was “The Crow” and more recently, “The Southern Belle”. It is the red,black and yellow scheme, currently, on its Business Train, and diesel fleet.

Canada needs to recall its smoke back home.