Canadian Trackplan

Hi !

I’m from Austria and I’m fascinated from CP-Railroad. Have anyone a typical CP-Railroad trackplan ?


Here is a wealth of information about the CPR. There’s a track map on there too.
Hope it helps! CP Rail and CSX are my 2 favorites![tup]

Hey Buzuki,

Welcome to the forum! I model Canadian Pacific as well–always good to find a fellow CPR fan. What kind of operations are you interested in? The CPR had everything from mountain mainline to rustic branch lines to inter-city high speed passenger operation. If there’s a particular locale or operation that you are interested in, it may help you find a prototype track diagram or draw up your own plans. I’ve often thought that the main line through the Kicking Horse Pass would make an ideal layout–the hidden curves we always hide in tunnels have a prototype in the Spiral Tunnels!


Here is a site that details the CPR roster both past and current…

Updated daily!

One of the best areas in the cp rail system has got to be the spiral tunnel located near field B.C. Check it out if your looking for a good mountain layout.


Absolutely! I’m glad I had the opportunity to see them when I was vacationing in BC and AB in August 2001.