I got my Dream Plan Build DVD yesterday. Was I the only one that noticed that the Prototype and Model Railroad segmants were re-used segmants from Tracks Ahead? Were the Clips on Model Building from Other Kalmbach Videos as well?
I guess I am just a little disapointed. With all the hype they went on with it, I figured it would be new and Original Stuff. I don’t have a problem with recycling. But given the hype. It seems to me to be a lack of effort and instead of a bold new venture in model ralroad periodicals. Its a weekend project of rehashing stock footage with extra tidbits of info.
I did notice that the how-to segments of scenery were re-runs, which was a disappointment. Overall, I liked this DVD, especially the segment on the layouts. I do not think I will subscribe to the DVD series, however.
Based on the sales of my own DVD series, I suspect 90% of the MR subscribers have never seen one of their videos, so it makes sense to get some mileage out of the material.
If the series flies, I doubt they’ll just keep reusing other video material. Video production is more complex and costly than magazine production, so if you want this sort of thing to fly, then we’d better talk it up now while it’s in its infancy.
I for one, think this is the way the hobby media needs to go if the hobby is to survive more than another 10 years or so.
As long as the price is in the low $20 range, it’s a bargain … unless all you want to see is more $45 Keller videos.
The bonus feature “building your first model railroad” is a rehash from a vhs tape included in one of the train sets. That doesnt stop me from wanting to get the series and learning techniques, since I am fairly new at this. I do like the info being available on a few dvds, instead of having to check many back issues of the mags.
Also, I get a lot of info just reading this forum, from all of you pros, and I do thank you for that.
As a whole I like it and I think I will subscribe, It just that I was a little let down expecting here is the all new latest and greatest from Kalmbach, and I am shown a rehash. Granted it was a good and well made rehash, but a rehash none the less.
Yes and yes. Rather disappointing since I already have copies of the original VHS tapes from which the segments were lifted.
If future DVDs are to be all original new material, I might be interested. If major portions are going to be recycled from Tracks Ahead and the old MR video collection, I definitely won’t be.
As a business owner, If you send out x copies of a DVD and only 1% or so have seen SOME of the segments that is good marketing. YOu have a PROVEN segment and then you have the new material. OR
We save ALL our OLD MRM’s why? to refer back to them. SAME thing they have put good beginner information on the !st in a series which will allow you to refer BACK to them.
Look how mant times the SAME question comed up on the forum. You understand that the poster is NEW and does not have the knowledge, so we answer the quesrion for the 50th time. This DVD went to people who get the magazine and understand the hobby. What better place to get the feedback on the OLD and NEW information.
I am happy to get the DVD and just wish I could PAY ON LINE!!!
Take Care
George P
“Soapbox is put away”
I haven’t seen any of the segments before. But I’ve purchased very few railroad-related videos, and even fewer MODEL railroad-related videos.
Keller is a bit pricey with his layout tour DVDs, but then he is the only one I know who provides such an in-depth look at a layout - even now that’s the case. I’ve seen several of the early VHS tapes, and have purchased one of the newer DVDs. I didn’t feel like I was overcharged for what I got.
Funny thing is, 45 bucks for a Keller video doesn’t seem like an over-inflated price, while 25 dollars for the DPB DVDs has me on the fence as to value for the dollar. Maybe it’s because I see the Keller videos as a pure indulgence, while the DPB series has a different purpose than just entertainment.
Unfortunately, George, we’re not talking about a 1% faction that may have previouly seen some of the material. The vast majority of modelers have been in the hobby for years and have seen the Tracks Ahead shows over and over (many of my fellow modelers, including myself, have the entire series on tape). I’d bet that the percentage of folks who’ve seen at least some parts of the DVD material in the TA shows on PBS is actually somewhere between 30% and 40%!
The one thing that has me leary of this is the fact that the rest of the DVD’s are sent to you “every 2-3 months at the regular subscriber price plus shipping & handling.”
The problem is there’s no dollar figure to define “regular subscriber price.” Even a ballpark figure would be nice. Although you can return them, I’m not comfortable with the idea I may be ordering something without knowing how much it costs.
In another thread, at present on page 3, the initial price of subsequent DVDs was noted as $21.95 + $3.95 S/H. However, a Kalmbach D-P-B rep posted further that the price has now been revised to $19.95 + $4.95 S/H.
Which leaves me in the lurch. If they were going to stay at $9.95 per DVD thats one thing. But is $24.90 really worth it for a buch of canned Tracks Ahead spots with DPB graphics applied over the top? If there was going to be new material in the works I would go for it. But if its going to be more of the same I do not know. I will buy the first one at least and see how the second one comes out.