Cannot Remove Items from "Favorites" List

When I try to remove an item from the Favorites list, it is temporarily gone, but when I do elsewhere and come back, it’s there again. Am I doing something wrong, is the software acting up, etc??

I take it you are going to your Favoirtes page and clicking on the remove line there or are you trying some other way?

Don’t have any I want to remove, so don’t dare try, I’d probably never find them again.

Good luck,


Yes, i go to Favorites (in the right column) and hit the remove flag next to an item on the list. It disappears, but if I leave to another page or go elsewhere, when I go back to the Favorites page it’s “baaack”. Maybe my profile is haunted.

I believe this sites software has gone caputz. They are havi.g issues with forwardinf the conversations as well, we sent a request to fix and below is their reply,

Dear Shannon,

Thank you for contacting us regarding the continued challenges experienced with the Model Railroader forum notifications. The information you provided has been shared with our Online Department for further troubleshooting and correction. We will follow up with you later next week once it has been corrected. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused and appreciate your continued patience.

If we can be of further assistance, phone 800-533-6644 Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. CT or email us at We can also be found on the web at



Customer Sales & Service

Kalmbach Publishing Company

21027 Crossroads Circle

PO Box 1612

Waukesha WI 53187-1612

While we do appreciate the site is free, it is aggrevating to have issues. With that said I do firmly believe they will get things fixed. Keep up good work to folks at Kalmbach.


Steve Sweeney announced a couple weeks ago on the Trains forum that they were doing a major update on October first. I suspect that they are tweaking things in preparation for this, and that is what is causing the issues with broken features.