Can't turn-off

Ever since you guys turned me on to, I can’t seem to be able to turn it off. I’m watching tv but I’m listening to Cincinnati railroad radio traffic. When I ebay, I’m tuned in to Dayton area. While planning my upcoming vacation to Scotrun, PA, I monitor Harrisburg.

My girlfriend can’t get me away from the PC which is in my “train room” where I operate my HO scale urban industrial layout. She has to take the laptop into another room because she gets annoyed with the constant chatter.

I choreograph my train movements to the orders I hear broadcast. I usually have a mainline manifest freight drag going at all times and switching operations going on in between along industrial sidings.

Keep it up the good work guys, I’ll keep listening.

I just tuned in for the first time. Intersting stuff.

It is rather addicting.

I listen in on a couple of locations - Ft Wayne and Fostoria, but usually during the winter when there isnt much to do. Ft Wayne gives me an idea of what is heading my way on the old NKP line (NS) and Fostoria is, well, Fostoria. What is interesting for me is that I have created charts which show the locations called out on the scanner, so I have an idea where the trains are.

It can get a bit crazy with three scanners in the house plus the internet scanner. The girlfriend is pretty good about it.


Good site, but far too limited in a an area like Chicago with so many frequencies and so many railroads – unless you are listening from out of town.

Being in Chicago requires a scanner.