Carnival train

Spotted the Strates Shows carnival train at QN (it"s gone) tower in Washington DC. It was all bunched up on the eastward downgrade waiting for the evening 6/6/05 Marc rush hour to cease, en route Gaithersburg MD to Danbury CT. Check out
See ya,


…Rix…I’ve been wondering if you were still around these forum parts…Haven’t seen you post in many, many months.

Hiya MC !!!
Been busy selling stuff outside my usual line of tools and machinery, namely… HOMELAND SECURITY. I’d better not tell you about what it is, but it’s kinda fun even though it some (read a lot of) times troubles my inner pacifist self. I’ll e-mail you later.
I’d love to watch them unload or load that train. One of my earliest memories was watching a circus unload down an embankment in north Reading PA from the Reading’s Allentown line. I wrote a poem about it in high school.
Good to re-connect with you.

…Years ago we here in Muncie had a branch line that came right into the innercity as it used to serve a steam power plant…and it’s long gone now…But the circus train used to back in on it and unload to take their vehicles and animals to our near by innercity fair grounds, etc…Must be 20 years since that occurred.
Look forward to your posts…They’re always wild and interesting.

…Rix…You might go back a couple of pages and check on our comments of long ago abandoned PW&S in western Pennsylvania…Believe you had knowledge of some of Pa’s abandoned lines and even the South Penn, etc…