Hi Guys,
I am trying to find a articule about the Carolina Central in N Scale. This was a two page story in model railroader. Does any one know what issue it was in.
Hi Guys,
I am trying to find a articule about the Carolina Central in N Scale. This was a two page story in model railroader. Does any one know what issue it was in.
December 96, January 97 for the original articles.
December 06, with Unitrack
How do you find this?..the search function on the MRR homepage.
There is also two more that came out one was changing it to dcc and the other was the one that added awye to it and had four staging tracks.
I found what i was looking for. It is in Model Railroad Planning 2005.
There is also an update article by Carl Swanson on the Carolina Central in the December 2006 MR on page 92. I just got my issue in the mail yesterday.
Can’t wait to see the latest on the Carolina Central. I can’t believe that thing has lasted this long.
The original two-part how to build the layout article was included in “N Scale Railroading, An Introduction to the Hobby.”
In addition to the “Adding staging to the railroad” and DCC articles (by the way, the railroad had DCC – at least temporarily, a few months after it was built when it was on display at Des Plaines Hobbies for a few months) already mentioned Melanie Buellesbach used the CC as a setting for an article on adding details to a layout – she included some neat finishing touches.
They did nothing to the Carolina Central. All they did was offer up an alternative trackplan using Unitrack. They didn’t physically change the layout. Disappointing. Sorry to spoil the story. I was looking forward to a pithy N scale article, but no such luck.