Catastrophe revised

I had a break in two on some hidden trackage. The engines came around and slammed into the rear of the standing train. This is the result.

Feel free to post pictures of your derailments, fiascos, and mishaps in this thread. Happy New Year!

I had to chuckle, having paid the dues!

The “sky” panel let go, fell on my beloved little car shop. I saved every sliver and put it back together.

Similar to your catastrophe, the blue RS 3 did a Casey Jones on another train…

That was many years ago, 2007, long before any scenery was done. I’ve had pileups since, in the staging tunnel too, before a monitor camera was installed.



those are great pictures!I’m glad you were able to get the car shop back together. Sooner or later, the gremlins will get us!

It’s Murphy’s Law…


The only major wreck I have ever had was caused by my sister waving her hands around as she became an expert on all things trains for some visitors she brought over.

I still love her and as sisters go she is really generous with the PWRS gift certificates.[:D]

How much time we got to discuss? No pictures but plenty of burns, cuts, etc.

Great idea to post now to demonstrate EVERYONE makes mistakes.


that’s quite the pile up! It happens, even when people have the best intentions. People get excited, and caught up in the moment. We had a similar experience when guests came over. It usually doesn’t hurt anything, other than feeling embarrassed.
It’s all water under the bridge…



plus Stuff Happens…



Is that you Paul, The retired engineer from Burlington Northern, and Canadian Pacific, from our beloved Gary’s Railroad Club in Saint Louis Park?

Could be batting way out in left field here, from a hunch. But if it is you, You and the rest of the Sunday Morning Brunch guys have certainly been missed.



actually, that is not me. I changed my screen name last year, in an effort to change my avatar. I was logged in, and needed a screen name, I picked the first thing that came to mind: " Road Foreman of Engines". It just popped into my mind for some reason.

My new Avatar did not take…
