Catenary brands recomendation

I am building a reasonably large layout 32’ x 42’ of which a large section will run catenary. Whilst I don’t want to create a never ending story perhaps my question would be better as from these brands which to avoid for either, price, availability or difficulty in building, Marklin, Viessman, Sommerfeldt

Thank you to all who helped this is all great information you have solved my problem Thanks again Pete

I would suggest you go to the PRRT&HS website and find the Kestone Modeler section. There was a two part article on modeling catenary around May of 2009.

Marklin and Viessmann catenary systems are actually quite the same, the difference is in the base of the catenary masts, with Marklin´s system being designed for Marklin´s C-Track system. Both Marklin and Viessman are complete systems, but based on German Railway prototype.

Sommerfeldt has a much more comprehensive system, a lot more detailed and a lot more difficult to install. Sommerfeldt´s systems also follows German Railway prototype, but there is also Swiss Federal Railway and Italian State Railway prototype.

To my knowledge, PRR and also Milwaukee Road catenary had a distinct mast design, very much different from the looks of what Viessmann or Sommerfeldt offers. To capture a prototypical look, you may want to make the masts yourself, using components from Sommerfeldt.

All systems are not really cheap, with Sommerfeldt being the most expensive choice.

Edit: Any commercially made catenary system will be a little oversize, as the wire used in real life scaled down to HO would be less than .1 mm. Sommerfeldt uses .3 mm wire for their system, ensuring that you actually see the wire!

I used Marklin Catenary extensively. I found it to be very oversize but cool looking in a retro sort of way. On my last layout I went looking for more prototypical catenary and it appeared that both Viessman and Sommerfeldt were oversize to my eye but looked better than the Marklin. I eventually settled on an American trolley type of overhead and scratchbuilt a small section of it.

It looked like this:

I don’t recommend scratching catenary on a whole layout, Presuming your prototype is European, I would go with either the Sommerfeldt or Viessman over the Marklin.


you might want to contact the person on this site. Great looking catenary there. I’m sure they’ll share some tips.

There is also this company:

Thank you very much will check it Regards Pete

Thank you that answers a number of my problems was a great help Regards Pete

Thank you from all reports etc I believe I will go with Sommerfeldt it worldwide has the most opportunities of range and consistency of supply Thank you Regards pete

Thank you I will Thanks Pete

Yes thanks this was also recomended off Flickr sites Thank you regards Pete

Traction regardless of the scale modeled, requires some degree of scratchbuilding, and soldering. You will probably be better served long-term, to create templates and construct your own live overhead, whether single pole, or catenary. Also note that R-T-R catenary can become pricey.

Also, don’t overlook street trackage & paving construction – Orr Street and Easy Street are two good resources. An interurban prototype (like a Lehigh Valley) can use standard track & single pole overhead.

To get you started…

Euro Rail Hobbies – All things European including traction.

The Trolley Forum at 2 Guyz – arguably the best traction forum.

Dave’s Electric Trains – Apx. 100 traction system prototypes.

Trolleyville & Trolleyville Schoolhouse – Also see Orr Track system.

Easy Street – Traction track system website.

PRR Northeast Corridor &