''If you do your job right you dont need a union to back you up" LMAO! You should do stand up comedy this is funny. You wouldn’t last long with that attitude where I work.
GR try OTR Trucking instead where you have LAWYERS Dispatchers FMCSA DOT hell your OWN COMPANY all of them wanting a chunk of your wallet if you SCREW UP. I had Multiple DOT Inspections hauled stuff that even scared the crap out of ME. Yet I delivered my loads on time EVERY TIME. I did not have a UNION Rep that had to hold my hand when I was driving in a Blizzard in California coming across Donner in 97 that was so severe that after I got over I found out they CLOSED the mountain BEHIND ME.
Try being the guy that had a load on that if I was not there on time a plant shut down til I got there. Trust me if I screwed up and was FIRED I deserved to be FIRED if it ever happened. See that is the Differance with not having a UNION to back you up. Union workers can Screw up get Fired and they treat it as a Vacation while they use the Union to get their JOB Back. A Non Union Worker knows he needs to Perform to keep his Job. Sorry but after seeing how the UAW was supporting those Workers for Chrysler that got caught Redhanded Smoking Weed Drinking and other stuff on LUNCH then going back to build cars I will never support Union Labor Again.
what I don’t I have never understood is why Goverment employees are Unionized in the first place , Goverment Jobs are hardly sweat shops , except that the union dues go back to the DNC there is no reason for these employees to be unionized . Plus why do these employees who actually work for US and they get these huge pensions and we the people don’t get the same but we get to pay for theirs?
So your example of why unions are bad is that union workers get benefits and you don’t? Maybe you should join a union so that you can earn a pension and get benefits, too.
Ed, I’ve seen plenty of non-union worthless loads that somehow get to keep their job. And I see plenty of union people that work their butts off to stay employed.
So save the useless union ranting. The world is NOT black and white like you make it out to be.
The point of the game is to make as much money as you can when you can. We may live to be 90, or we may get run over by a bus tomorrow.
The public sector itself is like a union in relation to the ones who are paying the bills. So having a public sector union is like having two unions in tandem that bargain with each other and then force their demands onto the employer (the taxpayer).
Just because I am a union employee doesn’t mean that I have it made. Way too many college grads trying to find some nip pic reason to fire me. I do my joy right and follow the rules, but still these people are gunning for me. That’s why I’m glad I have the union. Yes they represent the sorry workers too, but that’s life. I’m proud to be a union member, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Sorry Zugman here in town we have a Teamster Food Warehouse. They had a CDL Driver get caught WHILE DRIVING his Company Tractor Trailer DRUNK on the Job so while he was ON DUTY and being PAID. He blew a .12 bac. CDL DUI Standard is .04 sohe was 3 times the Legal Limit. Guess what the Union did for this guy they forced out a guy in the warehouse that was trying to support his family to allow this driver to REPLACE HIM. Thats right someone that should be in PRISON is still at work and someone is on the Unemployment line because of a UNION.
Sorry but when Drunks are kept at a company because they have more TIME ON THE JOB than someone that is just starting out the UNION needs to go. Here in IL we had a School Board tell the Teachers Union that either they agreed Pay more for Inusrance or face massive Cuts they refused Next year 10 Teachers are out of a JOB. It is one of the Larger Districts in my area that this happened to.
So you have a few lousy people in a union. I get passed by many truck (non-union) truck drivers going 80+ on a 55mph road every day. Does that mean ALL TRUCK drivers are unsafe idiots that should be thrown in prison?
Come work in my industry once, Ed. Then you can talk to me how unions are useless. You know, trains.com, not trucks.com. They give us books of rules, then have a fit if we follow them. Then write us up if we don’t. Then have a fit if we follow them again. We just want to do our job, and get paid the amount that it was mutually agreed upon in the contract. That’s how it’s supposed to work, anyhow.
I have no problem with union members in the private sector getting benefits , they work it out with the company and the company pays for it . my problem is the public sector employees getting benefits that I have to pay for , and these benefits are above and beyond what the rest of us get .
But the public sector always traded pay for benefits. I guess the private sector just dropped down to their level of pay, but never increased the benefits.
My dad worked in the public sector. I didn’t grow up rich. Far from it.
It seems in this country that has business and industry squeeze (reduced wages and/or benefits) or illiminate completely their workforce, those people affected turn their anger to those who still have jobs with relatively good wages and/or benefits. In many cases, it doesn’t matter if it’s private or public sector workers either.
You are painting with an overly broad brush.
First, not every civilian government worker is unionized. Far from it.
Second, it is a misconception on your part and an exageration from certain media, that government civilian workers earn these huge salaries, and pensions.
Many government civilian workers (and I personally work with many) are hard working and dedicated individuals, and certainly not slugs living off of the taxpayer.
To look at New York City Transit, The private companies were taken over by the city, unions and all, and then taken over by the state. So transit at least was ‘unionized’ before it was a public sector job.
LION is NOT pro-union, but it is clear that the extreme adversarial position vis a vis the workers and the MTA requires the intervention of a good union.
There are advertizements on New York radio in support of these public unions, they want to keep their state pensions (dopes–don’t they know that those were never set aside for them, and are empty). Better they should negotiate a legitimate contract with monies that replace heath and retirement. They would then be free to invest these funds as they see fit, even in union sponsored plans it that is what they want.
LION does not trust local governments even as he thinks that the federal government should be diminished in favor of local government. Well… nobody ever said that the LION was rational.
Sometimes i think this trains.com has changed to trucks.com.
Many people are confused about unions, there are unions in Government positions and unions in private industry, they are VERY different, Government wages and pensions have reversed in the last 25 years where in most cases they make considerably more than non-Government employees, this was never the case years back, Oh, and funding Government pensions comes from a “different” source.
Just compare wages of employees in both sectors and see the difference, just ask a Government employee, they will be glad to inform you.
Another broad brush statement.
There are many variables.
The type of job…the Grade of the job…and the salary schedule of the job.
Many civilian government workers (and I know many at Lackland AFB in Texas where I used to work and Barksdale AFB in Louisiana, where I currently work) are in danger of being riffed. Many have taken early retirement.
There is no safety or security of holding a government civilian job.
Trucks R Us? Say it ain’t so!
found out we had to defend some one no matter how bad or we could be helod liable. Sometimes we let management have so daming info and cleared out dangersous persons.