Celebrities and Model Railroading

I don’t remember it - but that sounds like something Alex would have done.

The man in black HAS to be a railfan! Goes with out saying. Awesome list! Add Boxcar Willie just for his collection and I would add Hank Snow, just because his music is fun to listen to while blasting along the main or in the basement :wink:

OK - I’ve decided. Roseanne Barr is actually scarier than Hermann Goering. Not by much, but by enough.

Ted Danson on Becker had a couple of HO scale pieces sitting in his office. I suspect that indicates he is an enthusiast.

Bob DeWoody

Sam Posey

Peter Smith, Memphis

Ever since she became Rosanne Arnold, it has been NO contest…


Neil Young is a huge Lionel guy from what I understand. In fact, he sent his sound engineer out the last year we had the 611 running in '94 to do some recordings. I don’t know if anything ever came of it or if he just used it for his personal use. I do know all of the crew got a bunch of free CDs, but I wasn’t there at the time.


The late Richard Pryor was a model railroader.

Speedvision achor and former racer Sam Posey is a modeler, he even wrote a book about it, and has had 2 Model Railroader articles published.

Generally speaking…I’d say yes!


And I’ll bet Tim Allen’s trains have “MORE POWER!!!” (insert grunts here) [:D]

One of the Houston news reporters …Dave Ward on channel ABC 13 is a big modeler…i see him at a lot of the train shows…let’s see…walt disney, neal young, frank sanatra, michael gross, and gary coleman are the other one’s i know of…does anybody remember Captain Kangaroo?..he had a really cool O gauge layout on his show once in awhile…i still remember it from a kid…chuck

NFL Hall-of-Famer Carl Eller is a model railroader. I see him once or twice a year at local flea markets here in the Twin Cities area, and he’s usually looking at HO stuff so I assume that’s what he models. He’s a very nice guy by the way. [:)]

I heard that Hermann Goering had an extensive layout at his home that combined trains with model airplanes, particularly Stuka dive bombers. Supposedly, the layout was set up so that the model planes could bomb the trains like they did in real life. The Soviets leveled his house after the war so unfortunately the layout is probably gone.

I recall reading a brief article in Continental Modeller a few years ago regarding one of the most infamous model train enthusiasts (Goering). Apparently the stock for the layout was loaded into his baggage and was captured, along with the ex-Reichsmarschall, by Allied forces. The article concluded that the stock was most likely sold off through a charity shop of some kind and invited anyone who may have surviving items to contact the author, though as there’s been no follow-up reports it seems likely that either nothing survives, or that any surviving items are with people who are either unaware of their previous owner or are unwilling to come forward.

well wacthed some christian music videos last night from 2003 and one of the guiter players had a southern railway shirt on today i’m reseaching him to find out if he’s into trains.

I wonder if Spencer Chritian has a layout (weather man, narrator of Tracks Ahead)
modlerbob-I’m a big Becker fan, I’ll have to look out for those trains you spoke of.

I actually saw him on a cruise ship I was on, should have asked him. LOL.


I have three locomotives that once belonged to Mel Torme. I’m told his layout was quite extensive.

GOD has a huge layout collection…The realism is outta this world beyond belief. Hes got every main line, short line and spur, major line, minor line, foreign line and domestic…He’s also got real running water on all of his layouts not to mention rain, wind, sleet, snow, ice and autumn colors to boot… What a layout…

As I recall, some years back MR had a retro piece in the magazine that referred to Mel Torme’s (the Velvet Fog) hobbyist interest and how he built car kits and such in his hotel room while on the road with the band. Another piece addressed one of the Marx brothers, who was also a model railroader!

If I might ask, tcf511, what sort of locos from Mel do you have (brand, type & roadname)?
