Changes may be coming for operating metrics

A RSTAC sub committee has issued many changes to reported operating metrics. An outside consultant has a lenghtly analysis. Your read. However he points out that all RRs are not using same measurements. He has taken apart both car handling and train and crew reporting shortcomings.

Fixing Flawed RSTAC Metric Methods - Railway Age

Goes back to the old saw, “figures lie and liars figure.”

A railroad is going to report those metrics that make them look good, and “adjust” those metrics that don’t look so good.

When EHH came on CSX he made the measurment of the metrics different than the FRA had decreed them to be following the service implosion of both CSX and NS after the ConRail acquisition by both carriers.

The FRA decreed metrics didn’t suit the lies EHH intended to spew about how well PSR was working (not).

Figures can lie. Liars can figure how to slant the numbers.