changing dh164 to diesel sound ?

installed a DH164 in a p2k gp7 and for the life of me cant figure out how to change the sound to diesel ? CV60 is the cv but cant find the value I need . PLEASE I read the manual (pamphlet) but I’m not finding it (the value) ?

first impressions is OK for cheap price and in a helper next to a better sound unit (qsi or tsunami). for a speaker incloser I used the bottom of a HD cut off disk container (dremil) ,perfect fit for the stock speaker . but had to do some milling on the weight(not fun) and I lost my engineer and conductor . a different speaker may work better ,but I’m trying to keep cost down.

also any advise for fine tuning on the pr-3 would be great . thanks Jerry

PS; what to do with all the extra wires coming out of this decoder?,thinking of cutting them back to there plug fo neatness ,if youv not seen th DH164 you mite not under stand this but its got wires hanging out both ends

I believe that CV 60 = 1 gives you the default diesel sound. See page 4 (paragraph 9) of:

Thank you maxman,how could I have missed that [:S] Im going out to the train room and check my manual ,thanks again…Jerry

0=steam, 1 = diesel, but be careful if you replace the default sound swith any of the others you can download. You may have to reset CV60 to make it work.


thanks Randy;good info and I was thinkin of a download but after getting it dialed in with the defalt diesel(gp38 I think) I AM IMPRESSED nice clear sound ,and thats with the shell off.gosh for the money it way better than I expected ,and theres a cv to raise the vollume but its plenty load @a tad over half…

oh I did set the cv57 to0 so it stop slow down thing when horn blew.just need to speed match to my qsi p2k gp fleet and put the shell on .if it holds up I may be getting quite a few more of these…Jerry