changing the guts from one locco to a nother

hi all, got a deal on a pair a ab set a f7s with dcc/sound qsi .was thinking of putting the running gear and/or qsi units into a p2k fa1 ab set…now I know the sound is differant but was thinken of changing the chips out for and alco chip & useing the newer emds in a old qsi gp7 pair I have in need of upgrades ? now back to the fa1 ab ,I notice the chasis of the fa & f7 are very close in length but the front truck of the fa is set back ferther then a f7 so a direct chasis switch is out of the question so Im looking to take parts from the f7s (qsi ,maybe trrcks w/lower gearing ,moter ect)…any body ever try something like this? …I got the f7 AB set w/qsi for a smidge over what it would cost for one dcc/sound board so seems worth a try…Jerry

Well first off, I’d assume it would be easier to just move the decoder from one engine to another, rather than trying to fit an F unit chassis with an FA body. The decoder will either be plugged in and you can unplug it, or it will be like a light board that you can remove (you may need to un-solder some wires).

AFAIK the QSI upgrade chips don’t change the sound like from EMD to Alco, they just add features?? It may be possible to download something to the decoder that will change the sound, some decoders are set up to allow that.

I’m not sure about FAs but some Alco and Baldwin engines were rebuilt with EMD motors starting around 1960, so an Alco locomotive sounding like a GM one isn’t necessarily wrong. Would depend on your RR.

BTW I find you don’t need both units to have sound, you could leave the A-B F unit set with one unit having sound, then put say the B unit sound decoder in another engine. You’d need to add a regular decoder to the B unit of course.

I agree, it would be easier/better to simply put the decoder in the FA.

QSI decoders are considerably larger than aftermarket decoders, but should fit in the FA since it is from a “covered wagon” anyway.

QSI upgrade chips do in fact come sound specific.

Another issue would be that you would end up with the wrong trucks.

I have seen EMD GP units with Alco trucks from trade ins, but not any the other way, especially on same generation equipment.

IIRC, the F unit chassis are simillar between MFG but the LL P2K FA is quite different in the fit and mount.

ah;some good things to think about ,but what does AFAIK mean ? I just assumed the sides of the trucks (in ho p2k) were just a decorative plastic pc made to replacate a type of of locco truck but the gear pod and wheels were generic ,NOW I said assumed… …interesting point on the size of the qsi boards ,did not think of that as I still havnt figured out how to get the shells off the f-7s yet and have a look see. wanted to run the idea past the forum before I tore in to em. …thanks Jerry

As Far As I Know.

thanks Jeff ; explains why I coudnt find afaik in the owners manuel that came with the locco[swg]…Jerry

BLI F unit shells are held in place by (are you ready) the clear plastic that acts as the windows on the side.

They are cast into a hook/tab (like a wedge), that snaps into a slot in the chassis.

They are easy to break.

You should take out the front coupler, which is kind of a pain to put back, first.

Also be aware, that it is also very easy to bend/snap the steps at the rear of the shell, while trying to get the shell back on the frame.

…wait, maybe that was Athearn Genesis. It’s been a while since I took off my BLI shells to install the antennas.

I have unconfirmed info that says Genesis and BLI shells interchange.

Your P2K FA is going to be substantially different, involving screws.