For some reason when replying to a thread some people feel the need to also change the title at the top of the reply page which then shows the different title on the index page and on the email notification. WHY do You feel the need to change the thread title??? it makes it confusing when following a thread that hasn’t been clicked to notify yet, and just adds confusion to the forums, Please feel free to say what you have to say, just PLEASE do not change the thread title.
Maybe Bob Keller or someone else at Kalmbach could look into making the thread titles unchangeable?
I think I can understand your point. I also don’t think a thread title should be changed except by the originator or a moderator. That’s the way it works in academic fora to avoid confusion.
In any event, please send a pm or an email to either Bergie or Wade Emblad (wemblad) because those two gentlemen do the configuration alterations and maintenance of the forum system software for Kalmbach Publishing, Inc.
That I can think of…this is the only forum of the many I participate in that permits ANYONE to change a thread title. Most forums don’t even let the thread originator change it.
Whenever you reply to a topic, there are 2 parts to type in. The top on says “Subject” and the bottom one says “Message”, and thats were you type your reply.
You can change the original thread title, (This one is “Thread Title Change”), to something else, let say “pizza”, and it will show up in the reply and in the main forum index where the lastest post is givin, it will say “Re: Pizza”. It will not change the title you will see in the actual forum, but it will change the thread title in the reply and latest post forum index.
I will change this thread title to something slightly different, for educational and instructional purposes, of course. [:-^]
I’ve always known that changing the thread title in one’s reply affected anyone who replies or quotes from your post, but I thought the only one who could change the “main” title of the thread was the original poster.
As a mod, I can do that on another forum I’m on, since I can edit and delete other people’s posts (which I rarely do).
Edit: After changing the title of my post to “Really Changing Thread Titles,” I posted it and checked the main index. That did not change. If you reply or quote off this post, however, it will carry my title, unless you change it too.
Suppose you went to the library and read a reference book entitled, Steam Locomotives.
Then you went back a week later to check on something from that book, but it wasn’t there. After a while the reference librarian found it - with a nice new dust jacket carrying the title, Industrial Donosaurs.
Fast-forward a month. Now the title is, Rusty, Obsolete Scrapyard Refugees.
Now, how do you tell your fellow railfan about this book? And, what will the title be when (s)he looks for it?
And now, suppose the original title (different subject) had been, Emergency Treatments For Common Household Poisons…
Since the “reply” icon refers to the post rather than the thread or subject I often when I post I change the “subject” box to relfect which post I am replying to. I will do that rather than doing the’ “quote” because I may not be using the whole quote and it may take up too much more room to use a quote when it is not necessary. Oh, yes, I know if I use the “quote” I can edit the quote to eliminate all but what I want to refer to, but that often is not necesssry or warrented. Perhaps there should be a “subject” or “thread” “reply” and a “post” “reply”, too?
…The initiator of a thread has applied a Subject title to his post…I really don’t see why following replys find it necessary to change the original Subject title to respond to it.
Well, if the title is too goofy or wildly misspelled. I’d think about editing it, especially if the topic is important/pertinent to the forum. Some of us failed early spelling or social graces, but HEY ! And if you are out there you’ve got a great hobby.