Any info out there about the “Charlotte Tank Corp.” of Charlotte, NC? One of their cars, white with “PURE SWEET MOLASSES” painted on the side, sits in the James River at Lynchburg, VA, carried there by a flood in 1985. The Greater Lynchhburg Environmental Network, a local conservation group, is putting together a plan to remove the tank car from the river. We would appreciate any information.
There is a Charlotte Tank Truck Inc possibly they make or made railcars???
Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter!!!
Thanks. Turns out that all they do now is LPG trucks. I’ve written to see if they ever had a rail car division. We are also trying to estimate tare weight of the tank car, since there is no visible stencil on the car. Can someone who knows something about rail cars give us a rough idea?
I can’t give you any information on this in particular,but if you
post this over on the Trains forum,I’m sure you will get a few answers.
Can you post a picture?