Considering the number of inmates incarerated in the various penal institutions and the law enforcement agencies needed to stock those institutions (many of which are now ‘for profit’ and operated by non-governmental concerns) - does this segment of the ‘economy’ get reported in GDP statistics?
Looks like I’ll have a short week this week…
Got a message today asking if I’d like to go home early this week. Called in and found out that both tissue mills in Green Bay are shut down this week, apparently they are retooling lines. Thus, with the lack of freight, dispatch asked who would like to go home early…
What? Are they retooling the toilet paper lines to make waxed paper?
Definitely getting a cooler streak around here. High’s in the mid-60’s and lows around 50. Fall has arrived.
Raining ash here this morning. Fine layer of white grit is everywhere. Wyoming (Mullen Complex Fire) must really be burning and there is no rain in the forecast for weeks.
Ns was clear after work.Went into to town to pick up supplies for painting the museum in Deshler.Have $1 left on the rebate check.Came home and did some yard work.Mother nature sent a shower so we’ll do the back 40 tomorrow.Chores to do inside here.
stay safe
Ns was clear after work.Sun rain and plenty of wind when I got back home.Did finish the back 40 in mowing.Truck is loaded for Deshler tomorrow.Time to get cleaned up.
stay safe
Very chilly temperatures in our area; we didn’t escape the 50s today. We were in Michigan since Tuesday, home now. We brought a few of their spectacular colors with us. I also sighted a few freight cars of potential interest, and sent out a six-page report just before the end-of-the-month deadline.
Both mills in Green Bay produce a mix of consumer tissue and commercial tissue, my guess is that with the collapse in demand for commercial tissue and explosion in demand for consumer tissue, they are adjusting lines to meet demand…
Chilly and windy here all day. A band of lake effect rain dropped over an inch of rain on us today, along with some occasional thunder.
I’ve got plenty to do inside.
Csx got some trains rolling after waiting a bit.Q 506 and D 743 came north.The D 743 waited for the signal in the west sidng then went back south for his train.Paint day tomorrow in the museum.
stay safe
Clean up day tomorrow at the county fire training center. Hope this rain gives up by then. We’ve had .81" since midnite, on top of over an inch yesterday, and about a half inch the day before. We need it, though…
PSR? CSX had several puzzling trains.
Parked Rip - rap train for over 24 hours here.
Complete bare table headed by 2 CSX locos to Fairburn
Manifest train southbound 2 locos and 3 car manifest with mixed traffic
good morning
Trains ran on Csx yesterday as I was painting.The big stuff got moved back.The boss/curator/drill sgt is deciding where the small stuff goes.Taking the pallet jack back up while the weekend shift will be at work today.Mother nature sending rain of course.As for Csx and it’s moves we just say"Hey it’s csx.
stay safe
Ns was clear after work.Couple chores to do here.Guessers say great weather all week.
stay safe
We’ve got a forecast like that, too…even the ten-day forecast shows mostly 70s for highs and nothing coming out of the sky.
We dined out yesterday at the Italian restaurant in Elmhurst familiar to many long-time Forum readers. Still great for both food and ambience. In the hour or so we were there, there were two or three stack trains, two manifests, and a scoot.
Hopefully the weather will hold out until Monday. I’m off work that day and I’m planning to get to Elmhurst to exercise the camera (Canon A-1 that uses film!)
Paul, we haven’t actually met yet. How’s about I do my darnedest to get to Elmhurst on Monday?
Sounds good to me.
Another loop closed in the trains net? (Kevin Bacon, who?)
On my return from Lincoln (and Mookie’s ghost) on Saturday, was surprised to see two new BART cars, de-trucked on flatbed trailers) headed west on I-80. BNSF and UP were exceptionally light on traffic.