Chatterbox Spring 2023

Happy First day of Spring.

Yesterday we gave hugs.Seems Csx had a hiccup in Willard yesterday.We looked in the yard in Defiance.They have more cars to take to omni for scrap.We went to Fc and a couple gentlemen were moving a junk storage trailer.The rear axels were locked up and the tires were dry rotted.They got it moved.Today is officially the bosses B day.So where we are going is up to her.

stay safe


Spring has sprung,

The grass is riz,

The leaves have come upon the triz,

I wonder where the flowers is.

You know how, when you wash your car, it rains right away on it? Well, last winter, right after our 17" snowfall, I bought a huge new snowthrower. The day I bought it was the last day it snowed. This season I used it just twice; the last time on only 2" of snow.

So I’m taking credit for this mild winter in Northeastern Ohio, and no snow last winter after I bought my snowthrower. It was expensive “insurance”, but worth it!

You’re all welcome. And Happy Spring! [um] [W]

I can’t say anything about affecting Ohio’s weather, but I bought a replacement (slightly smaller) non-self-propelled snowthrower in 2021. I used it only twice last winter and not at all this winter. I only used the snow shovel twice this winter.

My snowblower has been out several times this year. Not that we got huge amounts of snow, but my driveway is 75’ long. Why shovel if a machine can do the work for me? And some of it has been pretty dense, either because of drifting or just plain moisture content.

We aren’t getting the snow we used to.

OTOH, the St Patty’s Day parade just 15 miles south of me was cancelled due to snow (lake effect) while the sun shone brightly at my house.

Standing out in the +2°F windchill while collecting money for the chicken barbeque on Sunday wasn’t much fun.

Barely a day into spring and the CSX bridge in Syracuse has gotten its second overheight vehicle.

Will say that 10’9" is mighty low clearance - with normal box trailers going at 13’6".

As I recall, my mini-motorhome was 9’8 when I bought it and 10’4" after I added the roof top AC unit.


Have seen a few of those vents below the Clinton St. viaduct from time to time.Wandered over to Indiana.The Ns yard was busy.Boss got her shopping done.Went up to Garrett and Csx was just as busy.Waiting for college boy to get home.We got supper on our way.

stay safe


“This year…”

There are plenty of warning signs. If a driver is paying attention and knows his/her vehicle, they’ll never come close to the bridge.

Of course, all too often, they’re watching their GPS…

It’s probably been said here before - the road can’t be lowered (it’s built on an old canal bed as it is) and raising the bridge would be cost prohibitive.

10’9" is a tight clearance on any number of subway lines. Are there any alternative routes available that would allow the underpass to be closed?

There are alternate routes - it would take a good traffic analysis to determine if the existing thoroughfares would be able to handle the traffic. Seventh North Street would likely take the brunt of the load.

Trucks have ample warning in both directions, before they actually enter the parkway. Any driver who misses the signage isn’t paying attention - as has been seen numerous times. The driver of the “super bus” that struck the bridge several years ago had missed his turn (the transportation center is at 43.07687 -76.16952) and was trying to figure out how to get to said transportation center.

The bridge is located here: 43.09059 -76.19367

The Parkway is a popular route for commuters to and from the northwest suburbs of Syracuse, on the north side of Onondaga Lake. I would opine that substantial opposition would emerge were it to be suggested by officials to close the route.

I’ve driven it a number of times.

The rail l

Have appropriate height warning ‘tell tales’ been tried in advance of the bridge - such that a overheight vehicle will hit the ‘tell tale’ in such a manner that he WILL KNOW it before getting to the actual point of restriction and catastrophic damage.

I don’t know that there have ever been telltales tried - it’s something I think might work, too.

If there’s an issue with telltales, it’s that in most cases, the height of the truck is behind the driver. Most of the cases of late have been straight axle box trucks, though, so they might be a little more effective.

I thought there were height monitors there that would set off alarms, but I may be wrong. Tied together with very bright lights, they might help.

Rumble strips might help, too, just to remind the drivers of the upcoming obstacle. Not sure the daily drivers would appreciate them…

As MC has pointed out, GPS gets some of the blame, especially if the driver is using an automotive version, instead of one tailored for trucks.


Went to Deshler today.Had some new friends come and visit.Did a few things here and there.Making a list of what needs to be done.Csx was working in West Deshler.They have ties to replace on track 2 all the way to Fostoria.Mow also shorted a signal for I 135.Little rain for tomorrow.More rain for Thursday.Time for supper.

stay safe


Cal SR-70 through the Feather River canyon has been closed due to multiple mudslides with no estimate of reopening. Surprisingly, the adjacent UP Canyon sub remains open.

Reservoir inflow levels have levelled off and are being prepped for the next big storm. Lake Shasta inflow is still increasing but at a lower rate.

The latest AR passed through to the south and is hitting SoCal and Arizona pretty hard, see the Flagstaff cam for a lot of new snow fallen in the last nine hours. Even Cajon Pass is getting a little …

Glenwood Canyon here in Colorado is working the slide fences in the canyon pretty hard of late. Uncle Pete has gotten his armour yellow shorts and boots dirty lately moving the rockfalls between Dotsero and Glenwood Springs. His rubber tired nemisis at CDOT is not doing much better on I-70 on the other side of the canyon. (but then stoopid trucker stunts keep shutting that down regularly)

Now if the rain & snow could just skip the mountains and get to SE Colorado a little more often…


Ran errands here in town.The Ndw yard is a bit empty.They have more ties stacked up at Fc.The siding for the fertilizer track is mostly done.Csx MOW is working between West Standley and East Defiance.Csx sent a coke train(B 157) west and an empty coal hopper train east.Chores to do inside.Mother nature sending rain.

stay safe



Took a road trip.Mother nature provided off and on rain.Went to Sandusky to check out a carousel museum.Ns also had a few car loads off coal to load on the dock there.Bellevue wasn’t too much.We went down to an operation at Maple Grove along the old NKP line.They had some old switchers running and Ns sent a westbound.Came home along the B&O and followed a bulk sand hopper train west.Swamp is full.Need to do some chores.

stay safe



Stayed closer to home today.The wind out of the east was pretty chilly.Stopped in Deshler.Csx ran a B 820 around the sw wye to go west.Had a Csx/cp and ns combo.Then they ran an M 560 around the Se wye to go east.He had over 200 cars.Guessers say rain for tomorrow.Chores to do.

stay safe
