dont get a set
trust me
pick up a few flex track and a nice locomotive
dont get a set
trust me
pick up a few flex track and a nice locomotive
If I had 50 dollars a week every week to spend, I would be really happy. I think it will work just fine for you. As for layouts, try the Atlas web site.
I sometimes go weeks or months before buying anything, then might rack up 3-400 dollars in a weekend, so I guess it evens out to 30-40 bucks a week. One great thing about this hobby is that if you are in it for the long haul (and I’m pushing 40 years now) you can accumulate quite a bit of stuff!!!
Get old copies of Model Railroader. Some clubs give them out or sell them for 50 cents. Some hobby shops give old copies away. Some flea markets have them cheap(some cost more than new). Good pictures, articles, plans, ideas. I spent 3 months reading my old copies. Most of my current ideas came from several pics in articles. Spend time on this forum. Ask specific questions.
If you try to get into the hobby cheaply, you’ll probably just discourage yourself. Life-Like makes a line of locos running for 25 dollars+ but they are very cheap and flimsy and won’t last long. I suggest keeping your distance. Bachmann has a line of locos running for 35 dollars+ but they seem to have quality control problems. I’ve bought 5 and after a year 2 still run well. Athearn makes their line of locos which range from 28 dollars+. I’ve bought many of these and almost all run great, though a little noisy. Life-Like’s Proto1000 and Proto2000 lines are very good though they’re pricy! I paid $98.00 for a GP30 off the shelf and everyone tells me I got a good deal! I was so happy with it, I went back and got a P2K PA2. Good investment. It’s heavy, pulls like an elephant and runs like the wind and without a sound except for wheels on the track. It is very sensitive to track kinks, though. On track, I recommend Nickel-Silver. You can get it from Atlas, Bachmann, Life-Like and a host of others. Your local hobby shop will have plenty. I do a pretty good job of cleaning my supplier out any time I need track. I prefer Bachmann’s easytrack. Stay away from anything with steel rails. It’s cheaper in the short run but gets dirty very quickly and has to be cleaned often. After a while, you’ll be cleaning it every 2-3 days and it becomes a maintenance nightmare! Nickel-Silver is easy to clean and only requires it every couple of weeks. I used to use a track cleaning pad until I found a better way. Wal-mart sells these great little sanding sponges. I buy a couple every 6 or 7 months. I get the finest grit I can find. I don’t know the number, but it’s almost smooth. I just rub it gently on the rails going in the direction of travel. Don’t press on it! It’ll score the rails! just a gentle pressure does the job. I’ve been doing this for 3 years now and haven’t had any related problems. my rails are still as smooth as they were when I put the track down 5 years ago. On rolling stock, take your pick.
Jeffrey Wimberl
My number one piece of advice would be to decide on a theme for your layout. What road and what time frame do you want to model? By doing this you will be able to focus your shopping on things that you really will use and not buy something just because it is a bargain.
I have shopped train shows, LHS’s, mail order/internet dealers, and the auction site. I feel I have been most successful with the mail order/internet dealers when buying things that will help, followed by the auction site.
Another tip is to buy good tools and supplies. Your time is your most valuable asset and these things not only make the job go quicker, they make it less likely you will have to tear things up and redo them. I find that there is plenty to do on my 30’ long shelf layout without doing things over. Also, being a long way from a hobby shop, I am learning to have enough paint, glue, styrene, kits, knife blades, etc., etc, on hand to do things when I can do them. Hobby time is limited and I do not want it messed up because I don’t have what I need. Example-I am painting my first loco and the project is on hold for $2 worth of white decal paper. Frustrating.
One more thing: I would never criticize anyone for running blue box Athearn locos but I bought two or three as starters and I am not thrilled with them. Good runners but kind of noisy and not as detailed as Atlas and P2K diesels. I am focusing on the more detailed models now and by shopping around have found them at the $40-$70 price point through the auction site and Trainworld and M B Klein. Watch for closeouts. I like Atlas, Athearn RTR, and LBF frieght cars. This is one category where I have found some deals at LHS’s and train shows.
Do not skimp on track. Research and decide what code you want to use, and what switches you are satisfied with. Do not buy strictly on price when deciding on track.
All this is just my views, if yours are different that is fine. That’s one of the great things about this hobby.
Unless you’re planning on buying a roster full of BLI and tower 55 locos 50 bucks a week is plenty. For a starter layout I’d say you could get a 4 x 8 sheet of plywood at Lowe’s or Home Depot and maybe some grassmats at Toys R US. Then save up a little and get a trainset. Or you could puy you cars and Athearn Blue box locos along with scenery, buildings,figures and stuff slowly if you’re not in a hurry to get up and running.
Well start with a train set and add to it…Remember,you can save your money for two weeks and then buy some more pieces like cars,a structure,etc…Grow as you go and to stretch your hobby dollars buy at the best discount you can find on line.
About $100 per month for me. Carefully make a list. Stick to it. You’ll have more stuff than you know what to do with before you know it.
And set aside a little bit towards a warchest.
That is how I am able to afford some BLI engines. They get announced, I start saving and when 2 years later they finally hit the store I have a copy =)
I dont enjoy the income at 50 dollars a week but manage on less than half that if the bills are easy that month.
Just to let you know I live in southeast Louisiana. I see from serching the web that there is a nice shop in Baton Rouge but im about 3 hours south of there. I will try to make a run up there this weekend to see what they have.
bachmann and athrean mdc