Chessie GP-38s

After several years of owning N-scale Atlas Chessie GP-38s, I noticed that the walkways were yellow versus black on most of the other Atlas engines. Is this prototypical, or do I need to change the walkways? I have looked in several books and can’t find conclusive evidence either way.

Consulting my vast supply of books, which over flows my bookshelf and has spilled onto the floor, I’d have to say that the walkways were mostly black. the real life Chessie wouldn’t have much reason to paint the walkways any sort of fancy color, especailly if the paint will just wear off.

I tried my best and i hope i answered your question.

You are probably right, although as a coatings chemist I know you can throw non-skid material into almost any paint. I am wondering if the Atlas units were modeled on units where they were trying to make a non-skid surface out of the standard Chessie paint.

Not so fast…

Some walkways was yellow while others was blue depending on what shop did the painting…

One must remember the C&O,B&O and WM was not merged under the Chessie System and pretty well maintain their own fleet.