Chessie Steam Special

Hello Everyone,

I recently purchased Revell-Monogram’s Static 4-6-4 model decorated for the Chessie Steam Special with the intentions of powering it. I know the real Chessie Steam Specials were 4-8-4s (RDG 2101 and C&O 614) But having a generic freelance Chessie Steam Special to go with the IHC Chessie Steam Special Passenger Car set seemed appealing to me.

I was wondering if anyone else has put this Unique excursion train onto their layout.


First off, could those models even be powered??

Well, they COULD, with enough time, effort and money. Personally, I say we bug the crud out of BLI or Bachmann to come out with a Reading T1 in plastic. Then we could ALL have powered Chessie Steam Special engines!

They Can. I am at the point in my modeling where I have built most of the locomotive kits available and have all the RTR I want. (The exception being examples from BLI) I am needing more challenges in my modeling that what is currently offered.

I will keep you all posted as to my progress.


All the ones I have seen the wheels and all the side rods were cast as one entire piece. The only way to make one run is to throw away everything below the running boards and buy a Hudson or Pacific mechanism to put under it. They were designed as static s and were never intended to be used as a working engine. You would probably have better luck putting the biler on a Mantua underframe and drivers and use the Mantua tender.

Dave H.

Back when the Monogram static Hudsons were first released in the 1980s, a few of us figured out that the old pre-Genesis, 1960s era Athearn Pacific mechanism would fit into it without too much difficulty.

Coming up with more than the one of them we had on had was the only snag.

On a related note, I’ve been accumulating the a few of the old late-'50s Hobbyline static Berkshire kits to white-line and store on the scrap line in my main yard. One of the ones I picked up had an old Kemtron-made mechanism that was sold as a powering kit for it. 'hadn’t seen one of those before.

I was just going to follow the Buidling the running gear and side rod portions out of the “Scratchbuilding a Brass Steam Locomotive” series that was in Model Railroader back about 1998 or so.
