Cheyenne Roundhouse / Machine Shop

Modeling Cheyenne Roundhouse / Machine Shop

I have a copy of the book “The History Of The Union Pacific RR In Cheyenne” So if anyone wants or is trying to find infromation for modeling. This book is a very valueable tool to own. I also model the UP in Cheyenne steam ara 1940-1959. So if anyone needs very helpfull info. I would be very gladly to help. Iam a big UP Buff may self. I have been to Cheyenne many times.

In July 2005. I took a trip to Cheyenne WY, I was able to spend many hour taking pictures, drawing sketches of the what was left of the steam machine shop and roundhouse. The foundation is all there along with the remaining 7-stalls of the 48 stall roundhouse still stands. The machine shop only 7 stalls of 14 remain. The foundations can still be seen in the dirt, along the servicing pit and wheel drop pits. These are the buildings that houses the UP 844 and UP 3985. All class overhauls and restorations are done here as well. (This the home base for the loco’s.) The sketches and pictures that I took should be excellent modeling tools. At this time Iam building models of all the 48 stall roundhouse and machine shop with the proper track alignment and turntable along with engine terminal. The 650 ton coaling station and wash racks foundtions are there but filled in with dirt, along with the old short ties. The old foundtions are very helpfull because you can masure them with a good tape masure and get your true demensions of length and width. One other excellent source of imfo would be to get a copy of the VHS or DVD. “Last of the Giants Vol. II The Cheyenne Shops” This covers all shops and terminal in the area. The video is by Pentrex. Excellent video.

Besure to check with a the Union Pacific Historical Society

Union Pacific RR

I do not work for the UP

Curt Dennis

1957 I was in Cheyene staying at the Hitching Post Motel right by the Burlington bridge at the west end of the yard. Will never forget a Big Boy walking a train out of the yard less than 100 yards away. I could feel each concussion from the cylinders in the water of the swimming pool! Later my father took my brother and me over to the engine terminal and we walked right in, The employees couldn’t have been nicer and we watched them work on a 4-12-0 for awhile. The roundhouse was filled with steam engines. I was shocked when I was back in the 80’s to see the roundhouse was down to two stalls from what it once was.

I know the feeling. In the late '40’s I was a pre-schooler living in Cheyenne. The family used to go to Sunday dinner at the Hitch, knowing that the little monster (me) would spend the entire time with his nose pressed to the window watching trains go up and down the hill.

I in the planning stages of a rr in the basement of a new house under construction to try to recapture some of those memories. Keys are the machine shop and the unforgettable Cheyenne depot, which likely will be a scratch project after I’ve had some practice.

For those who know the area, I’m hoping to have a branch line that will let me pick up some sugar beets (covered hopers?), a few cows and also let me “Watch Nunn Grow.”