It occurs to me that there is a huge untapped market for Chia scenery. Just spread the goop on your surface… water… and in a few days you have a realistic living ground cover…
Why bother with unnatural ground foam and messy adhesives?
Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia Choo Choo… the commercial practically writes itself!
It shocks and amazes me that such a perfect marriage of 70s fad and model railroading has not blossomed into thriving cottage industry…
You may be able to create a mini ecosystem! The chia pet plants (while alive) may be enough to encourage some wildlife (scale of course) to move in. As the plants die the wildlife will adjust (as per Jurrasic Park-“life finds a way”) and the next generation of wildlife can move in…
You may need to strengthen the cow catchers on your steam locos to keep the tracks clear though.