Chicago Critical Cargo

I just read through that news article regaring the potential gridlock issues in Chicago. The last time I rode the Texas Eagle into and out of the Windy City from St. Louis, we waited more than once and some of the many interlockings the are concerned about. Where online or in print can one get an up-to-date rail map of Chicago that shows decent detail from downtown to the outer suburbs?


Wickes Lumber in Denton NC dont use much rail service because of the gridlock.The lumber they order goes through Chicago.

I’d invest in Steam Powered Video’s Railroad Atlases. The Great Lakes West volume covers all of Chicagoland, including northwestern Indiana. A couple of minor inaccuracies in the first edition (I’m trusting there will be others), which is pre-Conrail breakup. If you’re not familiar with these atlases, they show only railroads (no highways), but also show abandoned rights-of-way, some predecessor information, and just about all of the named places on the lines.

The thing I find most astonishing about Chicago railroad operations is the fact that many if not most of the trailers and containers interchanged between the Eastern and Western railroads in the Chicago area wind up being put on “rubber” for a short journey over area roads from one road’s intermodal terminal to another’s. At least this is what I’ve read. You wuold think that this problem would be one of great concern for the various agencies charged with constructing and maintaining the roads in that very congested area.