chip from a transit pass implanted in his hand.

Australian Biohacker Who Implanted Transit Pass in His Hand Was Convicted for Not Using Valid Ticket

Digging through your purse or pockets every time you enter public transit can be a hassle, so last year Australian biohacker Meow-Ludo Disco Gamma Meow-Meow (yes, that’s his legal name) had a chip from a transit pass implanted in his hand. The chip allowed him to tap on or off of trains in Sydney with a wave of his wrist. That is, until last August, when transit officers handed him fine for traveling without a valid ticket, despite still having $14.07 still left on the chip.

On Friday morning in Australia, in an unprecedented legal case, Meow-Meow pled guilty in a local Sydney court to charges of traveling without a valid ticket and failing to produce a ticket for inspection. The battle, though, is likely far from over. At the heart of the case is not just whether one man was within the bounds of the law when he took apart his transit pass and implanted it in his hand, but whether governments have the authority to intervene in the technology we put in our bodies, and how laws will adjust to the rapid expansion of implanted technology.

It would be interesting to determine just how this tech-crazed cyborg would renew or refill his transit card.

He just uses Bluetooth to pair himself to the machine…

This weekend, I attended a tour of Amtrak’s dispatch offices in Chicago and heard for my first time, the term “Bio-break” which was used by our host to refer to potty breaks. A term he said was learned when he worked on the west coast. Now Meow-Meow has a new Bio term. As the world turns. Does Meow-Meow use a litter box?

Considering some of the rather unusual piercings in rather unusual places I’ve seen in the men’s locker room at the gym (don’t ask!) stuff like this doesn’t surprise me anymore.

He would place his wrist on the external card reader on the machine, and would then use either a credit card or cash to purchase further credit, usually in sets of $20 value.

I keep my Opal card in my wallet myself.

Many people have the card in the back of their phone cases, since the readers are all just contact or near field and don’t require the card to be inserted in a gate or recharge machine. I’ve never tried to use the card while it is still in my wallet…


But don’t you notice how those “chippies” get head of the line privileges? They can always get tickets to the show that everyone wants to see. They just show their wrist and get 10 per cent off everything they buy? Isn’t it great that the cops now have scanners that can get everyone’s information off the chip and the people aren’t even aware that they’re being scanned? What a brave new world it will be!

When I was working we had Mag or RF Cards to open doors - different crafts were allowed to open different doors. Some would put their cards in their wallets and then wave the wallet by the reader to open the door.

But I have so many questions.

Just because you are paranoid, it doesn’t mean they are not after you.

So its only a matter of time before New York State puts a chip in my palm to tax picking my nose or other forms of self aggression.

From MIT Technology Reviw, March-April 2018 issue,pages 22-23:

“SJ Railways, Swedem’s state-owned national railway–is moving welll byond e-tickets by conducting the world’s first NFC payment trial using microchips literally embedded in customers, by offering the option to place a biometric chip under the skin ini passengers’ hands.”

Big brother may soon become the giant brother ?