Choosing a DCC System

I know this question comes up a lot, but none of the other posts answer it, so here it goes. I have a 4x8 n scale layout (or will have) and am looking for a DCC system. I plan on running a max of probably 6 locomotives. My LHS recommended two systems: the MRC Prodigy Express, and the NCE Power Cab. He said not to get Digitrax. My LHS does not carry anything Digitrax. I know that the choice on the forums is the Digitrax Zephyr and the NCE Power Cab, not the MRC Prodigy Express, so what should I get? The obvious choice would be the NCE Power Cab, but I am wondering why not to get the Digitrax?

Did you ask your LHS why he said not to buy Digitrax?

Both MRC and NCE produce potent DCC system. With MRC I would go with the Prodigy Advance Square and avoid the Express. The limits of the Express will show very soon and you will end up buying a PA2 handheld to obtain features lacking to the Express.

The NCE Power Cab is a very well features system, I have one and like it, however its limit of only 2 cabs was not enough for me and now I have a Zephyr powering my modules. I have not reach the limits of the Zephyr yet.

I will have to ask next time I go.

If he does not sell Digitrax he is hardly going to recommend it.

Look if you want LHS local support and you like and trust your LHS, and he is capable of providing you with local support, then it makes sense to go with something he sells. None of these systems are bad systems, so see which if any of the two he sells actually meets your needs and pick it.

BTW, I seem to remember reading that Digitrax has become a bit more strict on who it has as authorized dealers. Clearly, since your LHS sells nothing Digitrax he is not on that list. Who knows there may be some bad blood there for all we know?

Sigh. This question, again.

Your LHS probably doesn’t recommend Digitrax either because: he doesn’t stock it; he doesn’t feel that he can support it if you come back to him with a question; or you are in an area where the predominant sales to his customers are either of the other two brands.

Between Zepher and PowerCab, if we are talking the basic systems, the PowerCab allows you some walk around capability to the extent of the cord that connects the handset to the facia plug-in. The Zepher’s controls are fixed to the command station. What you need to do is decide if you want to be holding the NCE handset in one hand with a beer in the other, or holding a beer in each hand while the Zepher sits on a shelf.

Regarding the “choices” on this forum, the proponents of the various brands will give you various reasons as to why their particular choice is “best”. Remember that these opinions are worth exactly what you paid for them.

So far as running a max of 6 lo


I think you probably hit upon the real issue here. I’m always a bit leery of anyone who is emphatic about something but doesn’t explain why. [%-)]

Bottom line, WW: All three systems will work very well for you. The Prodigy Express (PE) and Power Cab will have more limitations than the Zephyr. I would opt for the Power Cab or the Zephyr.

And, even if you don’t have support for the Zephyr in your area, don’t let that deter you - if it will best meet your needs. There is nobody in my area who sells or supports the Power Cab and I’ve done quite well without it.

Lastly, a Digitrax or NCE Yahoo! group can really help you work through any initial issues you might run into. Most folks on there are very knowledgeable and eager to help.


If you can run 6 locos at one time, by yourself, you are very talented. Two locos at one time on my 11x14 room sized layout is more than enough.

I can’t even begin to imagine how you would be able to run six locos independently, at one time on a 4x8 (even at N scale). Maybe if you had 3MU’d and 3MU’d then I could see it…

As far as which DCC system is best that’s like asking 3 economists the same question…you’ll get 4 or 5 answers. I went with Digitrax myself because that’s what my LHS had and it was on sale in my price range ( I got a NIB Super Chief system for $200). You can only make a decision based on what other MRR’s experience is. From what I have gleaned is that no one system is better than another. they all have their pro’s and con’s that pretty much even things out.

Look over each option and evaluate on your interpretations and the price you want to spend.


I prefer the NCE PowerCab, so you can “follow” the train, point sustantial -to me- in order to “feel” the train and their movement. With the Zephyr you can´t do that.

Gotta agree with you. I have a 22’ x 42’ double mainline, and I have a heck of a time running 4 trains, 2 on each track.


This is a good feature lacking to the Zephyr, as long as you know the Power Cab must always remain plugged in. I know some replaced the 7 feet cord with a 13 feet one for better mobility.

Of course one can always add a throttle to the Zephyr and achieve the required mobility.

I’ve always been a loyal MRC fan, but can only vouch for the Prodigy Advance Squared (EXCELLENT!). Then again, I have friends who swear by the Zephyr, but I’ve never really had any interest in giving it a chance.

And you should call your LHS and anonymously ask if they carry Digitrax. If he says no, you have your answer.