Chris Fussell -- HERO

C h r i s F u s s e l l [:)] [^] [;)]

My dictionary shows that a hero is : a man admired for his achievements and qualities, . . . . . one that shows great courage.

Today in my book, Chris Fussell meets both qualifications. [:)]

You say you have never heard of Chris! Until today, neither had I. But let me tell you, he is an outstanding young man. He has shown courage and ability far beyond his years. It is through his tireless efforts that a locomotive has been saved. We generally think of a hero as one who has helped, or saved someone or something of great value. I say, Chris is a hero for saving this loco. His efforts have paid off for this one and he is even going after a second one.

For the complete story see the new issue of Trains Magazine. This issue is dated February 2004, and the story begins on page 22. Reading this story touched me and brough a few tears. It is a story of a young man on a mission. It is a story of a young man with a goal. We should all have such a mission, and such a goal.

If more people had done what Chris has done then more steam engines and other railroad cars would be saved and on display somewhere. But Chris is unique therefore, we don’t have a surplus of locos or cars of which to see. I hope Chris’ story will inspire people and clubs to endeavor to save more of our railroading history. I applaud Chris and his efforts to help save this unit. THANK YOU CHRIS. THANK YOU CHRIS, FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART.

I agree with you Jim,the future of our hobby is in the hands of fine young men like Chris.Lets hear a big round of aplause here!!! Don

Absolutely, I couldn’t agree with you more Jim! It’s too bad that there aren’t more people lke him out there!

Sably their aren’t more people like if some one like him step up we might of been able to save Another Daylight

I think Chris deserves much more praise than he has received thus far. This is something, that a 21 year old can achieve this feat. I personally would like to know more. I think he deserves much more press than he has been given.

I don’t know if he is a member of this forum or not. But everyone please join with us and show Chris how much you appreciate his endeavor. Post a thank you, or an atta boy here. Maybe he will see it somehow.

I’ve heard of him before. Here is a website with a drawing by him:

Look for Amtrak, then click on F40PH 231

P.S. The Allentown Scranton and Northern engines are done by me. Thanks, Chris, and I hope you can get the SDP40F restored. Great story, I’ll think again next time I see an Amtrak F40PH.

Obviously, this man has a life. Let this be an example for all of you.