At the age of 30 and my mind being not so right lately ( to much going on ), I decided it was time to rebuild/ reborn the christmas layout I’m doing this due to the snow is coming off and track joints arent right etc etc etc i general it needs a new life. So this is what I got to work with
Rough size estimates
A window seat the back is 6’
front of it s 11’,
Spae between the front and back is 22" max
I will have a 4’X4’ Table on one side
what we do is make a circle of track on the 4’X4’ my question is can i go a full 18"R on it without a problem? see the circle wouldnt be a complete one due to you have the line running from the window seat which goes onto the 4’x4’ which then on one side comes off runs into I do believe 90 degree shortened crossover which runs the line through the chrustmas tree which then has like a bridge piece that runs back on the other end of the window seat goes up on an inclined over a bridge down the the side with the circle. have I confused anyone yet?
Anyway the main reason for this post is to make sure I can put an 18"R circle of track on the 4’x4’ piece of foam.
Thank you for any help.
Cant wait for trainfest this weekend.