Christmas Present "Presentation"

I bought my 5-year-old son the SW Diesel Freight Set from Lionel for Christmas, my wife managed to talk me into waiting a few more months to have a train set in the house but she couldn’t stop me from buying it well in advance and “making sure it worked…”

Anyway, how would you set it up if you were Santa other than the standard oval around the tree?

Best idea I have so far is either set it up on a timer so it’s running when we come downstairs or put smaller gifts like some candy in the hopper car.

Someone out there has better ideas I’m sure of it!

I think the idea to have it running when you come downstairs in the morning is a great idea. A 5 year old would be in absolute awe (especially at the thought that Santa set the whole thing up, too). It seems like something that would be a very memorable childhood moment.

The candy idea is good too, and it is something you could do along with the timer, or maybe you could put some small toy cars and things that could go along with the train set or compliment it in some way.

strategically set the presents around and over it so the boxes form a tunnel, etc. this will require some patience as it can be tough to do. when I did this with my son, he was so wide eyed it just brought tears to our eyes. if you order a couple of extra lengths of Fastrack, you can make a square and it will go around the tree a lot better.

Oh, and welcome to the forum! you can come back often and ask questions.


My preference would be to wrap the set up and let him open it on Christmas morning. If the pieces are boxed individually, you could also wrap the pieces individually. His excitement will be prolonged because he will be a part of helping his parents set up the train.


How about a compromise, set up the track/power supply after he goes to bed but leave the main box/set wrapped up.

a) Kids love ripping open the paper.

b) The more mundane tassk of getting it set up (aka assembling track and power supply) is done.

Merry Christmas to the whole family.

How about this?

Set it up to run on Christmas morning.
Stack other presents around to form tunnels, etc. as has been suggested.
Go ahead and put candy or other small toys on board.

Then go out and buy some accessories or additional rolling stock, and wrap those up!

See . . . a win-win situation! [:D]

I agree with Dr.John. Santa brought my son a Lionel set last Christmas. This took quiet a bit of
logistics as we were on holiday in Florida for Christmas.
I bought some extra accessories and rolling stock and had them gift wraped as well.
Grzyboski’s were great sending the set to our hotel just in time for Christmas eve and gift wraping
everything as well.

Charlie then had a great time opening presents and I had a word with the hotel manager who allowed
us to set up in the hotel lobby. So we ran trains in the Hilton Walt Disney world all Christmas
afternoon.[:)] I don’t think I can top that this year.

Best Regards

I would purchase a Christmas “Beep” ($65) from JUSTRAINS (or others, see this month CTT) or some other small motorized unit (K-line made a Van). You can also obtain a used engine on ebay for $30. Even better borrow one from a friend for free. Your local train club with be happy to oblige or perhaps your dealer has a used beater you can borrow or rent). Or just put his new engine on the track. Then have just that engine (perhaps with a caboose $5 on ebay) running on Christmas morning on just a loop of the track/transformer from the set. Then let him open the rest (including the straight tracks not required to make it around the tree) on Christmas morning. Even just a loop will wildly impress him for that first look in the morning. Especially if a tunnel is made from presents. Then as the morning progresses you can add straight track and switches. This could turn into an all morning play date and opening packages slowly will add time to the play value of the set.

Keep the initial layout as simple as possible (no swithches) so that the train is less likely to derail. If at all possible get up before him to turn on the set. With a new transformer the risk of fire/shock is greatly reduced to almost nothing, but it is an electrical device! Is there a switched outlet he would normally turn on? If so plug the train into that outlet. Another option would be to sleep on the couch in that room or put a pile of pots outside his door or sleep outside his door so you know when he wakes up. You really do not want a train running completely unattended with a little one around and you will want to have that camera on when he first sees the set!

Remember to let us know how it turns out! This is going to be great!

Jim H

At 5 years of age kids want to touch everything. A few diecast cars or trucks would be great for him to play with while the train is running.

A preformed styrofoam tunnel could add some interest, kids love seeing a train going into and out of a tunnel.

And my kids favorite train activity is putting a handcar on the tracks and letting the train chase down the handcar. Lionel makes several handcars with cartoon characters or Santa Claus.

Have fun!

Great suggestions… Dennis that won’t be so hard, “Santa” will just have to get clothes for my wife that fit in a large flat box so go over the tracks.

John great idea I’ll try to sell it to Mrs. Claus. If I had my say we’d have about 6 - 30" straights, a styrofoam tunnel, and the freight expansion set with the coal dump car. This also prolongs the enjoyment as we add the pieces beyond the initial oval as chuck and Earl suggested… maybe some 10" straights in the stockings (his and mine).

PBJ, thanks for the tunnel idea, after Dennis’ tunnel gets opened it can be replaced… how ironic your kids like to run down Santa with an engine after he’s helped you accumulate so many trains!

Keep them coming!

(Jim - I’ll probably set it up on the same wall switch as the tree and have the engine in the back so it makes a grand entrance to the front once the tree lights are turned on. That way the stuff won’t be plugged in/left on all night.)

I would advise against the timer idea because I do not like any moving electrical device to be running whilst I sleep! I do not even like automatic coffee makers! On the one in million chance that you have a bad short better safe than sorry. Extra track is the most pratical add on since Fastrack goes well on most rugs and floors. The outer passing loop is what I got for my godson. You couls always pull a “Christmas Story” hide the present behind a couch and "find it " after the lesser gifts are opened.

Homer, my good man, I have this “t-shirt”. Keep it simple, he’s only 5. My boy received his first trainset at age 2 (Lionel WM Service Station set #6-11749). That set didn’t come with track, so I purchased a loop of Gargraves O-54, and attached it to a 5/8 inch plywood base (already painted gloss white and sifted with FloraCraft Winter snow). I then set up the tree right in the middle of the loop. You could either find an oversize tree skirt to hide the “platform”, or plant the seed that “maybe Santa might bring us a real train this year.”

But from my experience, after the presents have all been unwrapped, you and he will have some bonding time, and a loop of trainset track should only take 10 minutes to put together. Let the boy participate as much as possible, but don’t get heartbroken if his attention is not 100% on the train…it happens bud…

Now, to get MOMMA in on the action, take her to the local collectables/gift store, and let her pick out a Department 56 building to place beside the track.

My boy is 12 now, and each year he has received something to add to his collection at Christmas time. After 10 years, and donations from a dear friend of ours, he has a whole closet full of trains. He is very much into videogames, wrestling, and tv, but he still has a deep appreciation for rail. And although he has “left Santa behind”, he understands that when Dad goes to YORK, he is thinking Christmas.

He hinted that a new BNSF diesel (Warbonnet or Pumpkin) would look great in his collection.[swg]