Circus Train

The Ringling Bros circus is coming to Cedar Rapids and will be here from Sept 7th to the 10th.Does anyone know if they will come by train and if so when are they supposed to be here? I figure they should arrive tomorrow(Sept 6th),but would like to know for sure so I can take my son down to watch it arrive.


Bill B

Yes, the Ringling Brothers Circus comes by train. I am not sure if is the red or blue train. They have 2 complete circus trains, each one covering a different part of the country.

I saw the Circus train in Moline Illinois on Monday loading up. the train had red banners so I guess that makes it the red train.

Later Bill

That is correct, it is the red train.

Check their Website out for where the trains are going to be at! Kevin

Here are some photos of the Circus train loading up in Moline, Illinois.


Later Bill

Heres their schedule.
Show and Ticket Info
It shows a Red, Blue, and Gold tour Am I right in assuming that the gold does not travel by train?

Unfortunatley he GOLD circus unit travels by TRUCK and is therefore of little interest to railfans.
The RED and BLUE units are the fun ones that each travel in mile-long TRAINS.
The Gold unit is probably intended for places with little or no rail infrastructure (yards, spare sidings) to support the Red or Blue units.
It is quite an grand event to see the Ringling Brothers CIrcus Train roll by if you get that chance!
I hope this answers your question!
---- Daniel

Thanks for all the info,guys.I just found out that the circus is in town ,but came in by truck.It seems there was too much interest in the train and they didn’t want crowds around while they were unloading.It certainly is a crock considering that one of the highlights of a circus coming to town was it’s arrival by rail and watching everything being unloaded.

Have a good one.

Bill B