Here is a decent shot of both of them close up on Google Maps:,-92.806349,3a,75y,30.55h,94.1t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sXG7OX08OV0NbeK-ykfwGGQ!2e0
The tracks were severed from the rest of the rail network long before the dinner train ceased operating. There was no other option but to truck the equipment out when the operation shut down.
FYI George Brown and others. Paul Marynowych works for Amtrak. I saw him in DC a little while ago. It appears that he is a lead service attendant.
The motor/axle assemblies are totally worn out. The wheels are so worn that the flanges are like sharp knife edges and would split any points on a switch (thus derailing). The wheel profiles where they ride the rails are worn so thin that they were in danger of breaking. The poor units are entirely worn out…too long without any maintenance.