Classic Background Music for Shelter In Place

Eddie Cantor



Merry and Mick – don’t shelter too quietly

Lisa got old, they got old, we got old – but none of us are dead and we don’t propose to go too quietly, either

I looked up at the tallest building

Felt it falling down

I could feel my balance shifting

Everything was moving around

These streets so fixed and solid

Ah shimmering haze

And everything that I relied on disappeared

Downside up, upside down

Take my weight from the ground

Falling deep in the sky

Slipping into the unknown

All the strangers look like family

All the family looks so strange

The only constant I am sure of

Is this accelerating rate of change

Downside up, upside do

Hmmmm, seems to me what everyone needs is a “Spit in the world and fate’s eye!” roaring song of defiance, especially at this time.

Go get 'em Linda! Sing it girl!

And then there’s these lads trapped in a seemingly hopeless situation. Worked for them.

Now these are excellent Covid tunes while SIP

“… Just before you draw your terminal breath…”

Be hard to pull off with ones terminal breath but it’s better than whispering “Rosebud”.

Dealing with a crisis in the 70’s. Carling gone, Toby gone, … sank-on was very popular . Canadian still .

Carling? What about Ballantine ale? I have yet to find anything from a craft brewery that can match its taste.

I’m not quite supposed to be old enough to remember that stuff from its heyday, when it was highly advertised with sports broadcasts, but… I do. And loved it.

Along with Budweiser… in those dark-brown heavy glass refillable long necked bottles. Would love to have one first sip again…

Looks like Ballentine’s still around:

And to make you even more thirsty:

Sixty or more years later I can still sing the Carling’s Black Label jingle…and visualize those bottles. Cleveland, like any respectable city, had lots of home town beers at one time, although Carling’s, strictly speaking, wasn’t one of them, though there was a bottling plant in the city.


How about:

“The Self Preservation Society” from the latter parts of the original movie “The Italian Job” with Noel Coward and Michael Caine…

The song plays through the trailer, which gives a good summary of the whole movie…


“The Italian Job,” the original! Great movie!

You know, even though Michael Caine and the crew are thieves and you really shouldn’t be rooting for them, you just can’t help it.

In addition to which they just look like a fun bunch to hang out with!

That great last line: " 'ang on lads, I’ve got an idea!"

The current situation causes me to think of some of Leonard Cohen’s later work:

While not completely relevant Everybody Knows comes to mind as indicating a very controlled environment. A friend was a big fan of this when it was a current hit:

This will give you a greatest hits compilation.

Another from his later work is I’m Your Man

I often thought of these words as I struggled to cover a broad range of systems to be certified for service… again, not completely relevant but at least related to coping with change.
