I have been waiting for these for sometime now. Are they out yet?
I have been waiting for these for sometime now. Are they out yet?
Hi Eric - to my knowledge these are not out yet.
I’ve had some on pre-order with distributor “A” for quite awhile* and have not received any yet, and checking their website earlier I see that they do not have an expected delivery date posted for these, however that is par for the course for Classic Metal Works items. Quite frankly no one believes any stated delivery dates…so they just quit listing a due date.
Distributor “B” says on their website they have them “on sale today” yet are out of stock. I’ll have to verify with my salesperson on Monday but I don’t believe any of these have been received by “B” yet. Usually I keep up with this sort of thing pretty well, and I don’t think any of these '36 Fords or the F350s have been released yet.
If anyone has any different info, feel free to correct me if I’m not fully informed on the status of these.
*please don’t take this as advertising on the forum. I’m only saying that my shop has not received any yet (even though they’ve been on pre-order from day one) to help answer the question.
When I was a boy [warning, kiddies: tiresome anecdote to follow] there were still plenty of those 1936 Fords and other mid 1930s automobiles to be seen being driven around, not as treasured antiques but as day to day vehicles, including some delivery trucks. I am talking here of circa 1960-63, so the vehicles would have been, what, 24 to 27 years old. That gets us into the GP20 and GP30 era.
Dave Nelson
I just received a shipment from Walthers & the '36 ford was BO’d. No expecdted del date.