How does one get a decent round hole in blue foam subroadbed through which the control lever for a tortoise switch machine can pass?
I have just started adding 3/4" foam on top of 5/8" plywood and it looks good (level, smooth) and should be a good base for the Woodland Scenics foam roadbed that will ultimately support my Code 70 and 83 flex track. Within the next couple weeks I’ll be at a point where turnouts will be located. I’ve been looking for the right tool to put a clean 1/4 to 3/8 hole in the blue foam but without success. I’ve thought of putting a larger hole (maybe 1" square) using a hot knife in which case the Woodland Scenics roadbed foam would cover the large hole.
What have others done who use the foam subroadbed?
Just find a drill bit for the size hole you need. Chuck it up in a variable speed driil. Press down on the foam - in many cases, that’s all you’ll need, the drill bit will go right through the foam. If not, just run it at slow speed until you break through the bottom. It won’t hurt the foam and the hole will be the exact size of the drill.
I use a 1/4 or 3/8 drill bit and push it through the foam (no power) then drill a hole in the wood base - not a perfect hole but probably as good as you will get in foam.
The hole doesn’t need to be perfectly round anyways, so just use a drill bit. I then use tape, mask off a slot (about 1/8 wide) where the turnout slide needs to be. I paint the tape gray (or your ballast color) and that’s it. Works for me…
As suggested, tonight I tried experimentally simply pushing a 9/16 drill bit through the blue foam and I can see that this will work and not make such a big mess as it did when I previously tried drilling through. With a little assist with a shop vac I can see that this idea will work. All of you helped and now I’m looking forward to laying track and turnouts. Thank you for your assistance and for taking time to respond. This is such a simple thing I’m sort of embarrased by my question. Thanks again.
Oconomowoc, [#welcome] . Just remember that there is no such thing as a silly question. If you do not know, or are unsure of the correct way to do something, just ask. Someone will respond and give you some answers.