
Track plan for “N” gauge between Elkhorn City and Dante is urgently wanted

mike here is my email address

Model Railroader did a project railroad on the Clichfield that featured the yard at Dante and key structures (church, YMCA, etc.). They also had plans for the Tweetsie that featured the Yard at Elkhorn. I have the articles and could photo copy and fax or e-mail them. As far as the area in between more info would be needed(size,distance, and shape of benchwork, staging areas(if any)etc.

hi.mike.thank you for your reply if you could e-mail it, i would be very pleased, i have 16ft x 11ft of loft space so, in n gauge i should get a nice run, thanks again tony.

Hello, I am new to this web site. There was a book published a few years ago titled “Clinchfield”. It has some excellent pictorials that depict the entire Clinchfield route and the various yards. It can probably be found on E-bay or perhaps some of the used book ads in Model Railroader or RMC. Hope this helps.


Oops, I forgot one other source. In the mid 70’s RMC did a series on the V&O railroad. During one of the articles, they showed several scenes on the Clinchfield, including how the coal brnches were shifted. I have the magazines, but I do not where at this time. If you want copies, E-mail me and I will try to find them and send you copies. My E-mail address is


Hi Bill. thanks for reply, have found abook called Clincfield Country, by S King, great reading,Best Wishes Tony.

Hi Bill. If you can source the dates of the RMC articles and e-mail me at I will try to find them over here in the UK. Thanks again Tony.

I know the guy (through email) who currently owns the MR project Clinchfield railroad. Don’t know if it would help much, but if you want to get in touch with him, let me know in email and I’ll forward you his address.