Clinton Iowa

I was wondering is it okay to watch trains at the old passenger station without getting into trouble with trespassing. I was there back in 2001 and 2007 didn’t have any issues i was wondering if anything has changed.

The UP bought the old CNW passenger station a couple of years ago. The area next to the tracks is posted but the parking lot on the southwest side of the station is not, and that is a railfan hang-out spot. I haven’t had any problems but others have reported that they were chased out if they wandered too close to the tracks. The area on the other side of the tracks used to be a residential neighborhood, but ADM bought everyone out and demolished all of the houses. AFAIK the streeets are still public property and nothing is posted so it is also a good place to railfan and there are some nice shady places.

UP also intends to replace its Mississippi River bridge with one that won’t require a swing bridge. I think some of the ADM land is to be used for it and a buffer zone, since trains will be moving at faster, noisier speeds than they travel now. They won’t have to stop for barge traffic.

There are trails north of the bridge along the river that give you a nice view of the bridge and get you pretty close to the tracks as well.

Thank you for the responses, Much appreciated.

Any news on when work may start on the new bridge?

I’ve got 10, maybe 15 years left and I’m thinking that I’ll be lucky to see the bridge before I retire. Within the last year, a conductor said there was an article in a local paper from that area talking about the new UP yard to be built at Low Moor. The current UP facilities in Clinton are supposed to eventually go to ADM for their expansion needs. Needless to say, most residents of Low Moor don’t want to see the UP build there.

The last I’ve heard was that they had given up on a fixed bridge high enough so that it wouldn’t need to open for river traffic. They were instead looking at a lift bridge to replace the swing span. It was said to build a fixed bridge high enough they would need to start the grade at the west end of the current Clinton Yard, about where the Commanche control point is.

A few years ago the railroad, in their long range (5 to 10 year) forecast to the local unions, mentioned they would like to start double tracking the ex RI Short Line (Spine Line if you prefer) and build a new yard at Nevada IA. This yard would move classification work from the current yards at Boone, Marshalltown and Des Moines to this central yard, accessible to both east-west and north-south trains. This yard, plus a new bridge at Clinton, could see crew districts being realigned to run from Rochelle, or even West Chicago, to Nevada. From Nevada running west to probably Columbus NE. I would like to see this happen, but again doubt that I’ll see it.

One thing I’ve noticed. It seems when the top management changes, a lot of plans and priorities get changed, too. So who knows what’s going to happen.


Maybe a compromise by building a lift bridge that has a much higher clearance than the present swing bridge. Much like MNRR is building at the WALK bridge. However Walk is only going to give about 10 more feet free board ?

And not discussed yet, do not forget the CP/DRINW/MILW line on that side of the river and ADM’s butchered (what nose?) GP-7’s…

Compared to vertical lift bridges in the Chicago area, I’ve noticed that most vertical lift bridges on the Upper Mississippi have a much lower vertical clearance in the raised position. I assume that the main advantage of a vertical lift over a swing bridge is eliminating the center pier right in the middle of the channel.

BNSF replaced a swing bridge with a lift bridge at Burlington, IA. I understand there were three goals. By getting rid of the pivot they doubled the width of the channel. The bridge controls now allow the operator to go up only as high as requested by the tug. The bridge lift and lower speeds were increased. I had a chance to watch the bridge for a couple days. It goes up and down like an elevator now. I wonder how much H P that requires. The limited raise and high speed up and down were intended to keep the bridge open to train traffic longer. Replacing the civil war era bridge with a modern bridge also allows for much higher train speeds.