Today looked like a nice day to RR fan…Not much damage from the storm…Which is a good thing…Well we set out to look for some trains…Once we got in the area we heard some chatter on the scanner…It was a CN auto train that was bound for the yard on this sub…So we found a spot and set up our gear…
Right when we got set up…Our train came screaming around the bend
The next shot we got him passing the spur that leads up to the coal load out
This is the best spot for all RR fans…You get to capture this beautiful bridge in every pic…This is a key feature on this line…And of course the big plant in the back round
Heading down the line you can see an old track to the right that was taken out of service
Passing the entrance to Quad Graphics we are still not lucky yet to catch them switching out the plant…The tracks to the right lead up to Quad where the track that goes to the left goes to a small yard to store cars for this plant
Standing on a small hill…The CN auto train flies on by
Here we see an old track that was taken out of service a while back…They took out the diamonds and just cut the rails back some and kept them in