cn centreville sub

I was wondering what type of engines ran on the line up through the valley from woodstock n.b. and terminated at the centreville sub. I’m thinking along the lines of RS 11 and 18. The line terminated right behind my house. Any info is appreciated.


It might help if you said what time frame. If you mean the 1880’s the answer would be a 4-4-0. If you mean the 1960’s it might be an RS11.

Dave H.

i should mention the time frame being 60’s to early 70

Not sure of the time frame but P2K did a very nice pair of H0 GP18s - one with a hi nose the other with a low nose - 2 different liveries. (IIRC Wet Noodle and big stripes - both red ends).


No RS11s on CN in Canada - no GP18s either. And CN generally kept GM (EMD) power in the west up until the 1990s, so you’re looking at MLW (Alco) locomotives. RS18s are your best bet for branchline power in the Canadian Maritimes in 1970s - the exceptions were the “light rail” branchlines (which I don’t think includes Centreville) which saw an assortment of oddball locomotives with A1A trucks (RSC24s, RSC13s) until those were retired and their trucks recycled under de-rated RS18s to create RSC14s. In the 1960s, you might also have seen CLC/FM H12-64s.

Jim, Ottawa, Canada

Hey, wow, someone ELSE interested in the Centreville Sub!

I’m modeling the CP Rail Shogomoc Sub circa 1978.