CN conductor hiring

Anybody hire on with CN in Canada lately? I have been watching their web site for a long time now and I don’t recall ever seeing them post for conductor positions! CP does hire in various locations about every month or sooner. What is CN doing about hiring new people? Is CN taking people only from those college conductor courses? I am very interested in knowing.

CN is pretty much out to lunch it seems most days.
They will usually post in the News Paper if there are postitions for conductors in particular parts of the country - don’t bother with the internet site.

Your better bet would probably be to take one of the RAC courses that are now being offered in 3 provinces I believe.

They are fairly new and are being put on by the Institute of Railway Technology.

They are available at -

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology - Calgary, AB
British Columbia Institute of Technology - Vancouver, BC
George Brown City College - Toronto, ON

Check out the website

Hope this helps.