Here is some pics we have of CN ( I will put more up as time permits in the snow and yarding there trains at CSX stanley) If anyone has the time I would appreciate if you could help me out here. My question is CN has a large amonut of trains into toledo now more than I have ever seen. They switch out at Stanely yard and a lot of the Frieght comes by my house on CSX early in the morning around 5am or so. Some on Q506 others on diff trains. They get sort’d then CN brings in huge trains with a lot LPG cars Wood flats paper cars ect. Yesterday we got pics of a CN train go right through CSX walbridage yard and out toward fostoria??? CSX is now leaving CN trains along there yard on the “hump” side" tracks. Mabey it was going up the “rival” yard and gonna shove back into a inbound track. Dont get me wrong I do so love seeing CN trains and we have gotten to know a few crews who talk to us out of the cab window. That is very nice. Today we had a CSX crew wave down to us and even smile ( god bless them) but some other rail fans were there who got as close to the train as they could and were driving like mad to go back and forth. Dont think the rail crews like that, they have enough to worry about. We make sure we do not interfere with them. I guess there is no need to try to go up and touch the train??? Mabey some people do. We stay in one spot for a lone period so we can enjoy the entrie trin each car. GOD BLESS U alll and stay safe out there