There’s a railfan pavilion there already.It stands to reason that a webcam should follow.
So what can we do to get a webcam put at the CN Matteson Il connection?
There’s a railfan pavilion there already.It stands to reason that a webcam should follow.
So what can we do to get a webcam put at the CN Matteson Il connection?
Send money…
Seriously, though, you’ll need a webcam of sufficient quality to please the masses (or most of them). That’s the easy part. Then you’ll need an Internet connection with sufficient bandwidth to support the camera. That’s the expensive part that keeps giving, and giving…
If you’re lucky, you might find someone nearby with some bandwidth to spare who will let you tag on to their 'Net connection. That might even be possible wirelessly (ie, WiFi), and might allow visitors to the pavilion to access the web as well.
If not, you’ll need to either get a 'Net connection direct to the pavilion, or to some point nearby (WiFi, again, and a willing host).
I’m presuming there’s already power there. If not, would solar be feasible?
Is there a scanner (or other radio(s)) in place there? A guide to what the visitor will hear and what it means? Depending on the webcam and bandwidth, you might be able to pipe that over the connection as well.
Let me re-phrase that.
What can we do to get Trains Magazine to put a webcam at the CN Matteson Il connection?
Facilitate everything that Tree mentioned
A webcam similar to the one at Rochelle, which can’t be steered, would not do justice to the Matteson spot.
In two directions.
One facing the northern wye.
And one facing the southrn wye.
Is the park located here? Looks like a a caboose
There’s something wrong with the Google Earth that you’re using.
When it’s zoomed out,it shows the pavilion.
When you zoom in it doesn’t show up.
But you do see the end of a container train.
The pavilion is on the upper right corner of the long white rectangle of gravel at the end of the long walkway with the loop.
The caboose is pointing directly at it.
So is the shadow of the water tank.
You mentioned, as best as I can determine, the need for two webcams, one facing each wye. But the scale of this park (which I have visited) is nowhere near as compact as Rochelle. Each of those webcams would probably indicate the presence of a train in those directions, but very little about it…would you be able to identify locomotive builders, freight car owners, etc.? I doubt it seriously, particularly when it comes to the trains that do not use either wye.
I will never go to that place again without binoculars.
It is a large site!
From the pavilion to the CN(IC) main is 284 yards.
To the CN(“J”)350 yards.
Maybe multiple cams for this site.
But we all know that would be quite expensive.
Oh well!