does canadian national still use a time table?
CN dropped the time table system in the early 70’s in favor of the Extra system (running all trains as ‘extras’)which most railroads switched to at about the same time. Recently BC Rail has switched back to the timetable system to improve reliability and costumer service as the BC economy dwindles to barley a flicker (please vote Liberal on Wednesday!). Also last year CP switched back to timetables but the only trains on timetable that run on CN tracks are VIA passenger trains.
Where can I find a current timetable for Bcrail trians through Williams Lake? And about the BC Liberals, I am not going there!
Yes the Canadian National still uses a Timetable. However, it will not tell you when the freight trains will run. It is for use of employees only. It is broken down by subdivisions and has information regarding speeds, sidings, defect detectors and many other pieces of information particular to the given subdivision.