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CN seeks to double oil traffic in 2013
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CN seeks to double oil traffic in 2013
So much for Obama blocking the pipeline. What a loser of a president. Once again private industry does an end run around the government imposed roadblock, as it should. When will the Marxists learn that in capitalism vs Marxism, capitalism always wins unless government uses brute force to destroy the capitalists? Probably never. Meanwhile, look for kook eco-terrorists trying new ways to stop these trains. Or at least make life miserable for the crews and their families.
“CN serves a number of oil fields in North America including the Alberta oil sands and Bakken oil formation in Saskatchewan, Montana, and North Dakota.”
TRAINS: How does CN serve the Bakken in Montana and North Dakota (just curious as they don’t go to these states).
Jeffery no need to get into politics here, just because you are absolutely right on every point the idiots that will save the earth and feather their beds with government largess make us old diesel fireman look like angels . I give up, every time something good looks like it will happen they sue, its all about non profits and lawyers not we the people. Rail may be more expensive in the short run but the flexibility to to serve shifting markets areas of supply and the demands of regional refineries keeps it in the game when competition plays its role. Obama man he has no clue unless there is Hollwood money for his pockets. HBF
The traffic is interchanged with BNSF either in the Twin Cities or Chicago.
TRAINS: Are political comments OK now as long as a train is mentioned??? For what ever reason, the blocked pipeline mentioned by Jeffery has provided many jobs for railroads, their employees and all the others that support the railroad industry. I do not buy a magazine called Pipline. I buy a magazine called
TRAINS: Are political comments now OK as long as a train is mentioned? For whatever the reason, the blocked pipeline has created many jobs for railroads, their employees and the industries that support railroads. The oil will move and I would rather see it move on aTRAIN. It is much easier to redirect this oil to different destinations than when moving by pipeline. Lets keep this comment section about TRAINS
2012 is not over, as this article implies. It should be either “CN has already shipped 30,000 carloads of oil in 2012” or “CN is expected to ship 30,000 carloads of oil in 2012.”